Korea UBF 2 gens had a new year music concert

  • by WMD
  • Feb 04, 2016
  • 1510 reads

2016 Great Vision Orchestra (Second Gen New Year Music Concert) in Anam, Korea by Joshua Lim

On Jan.25, 2016 Korea UBF second gens had a new year music concert entitled, "Jump for the dreams, passion and harmony." It consisted of elementary and middle school students and was held at Mark Hall in the Anam UBF center. Though they all are still young, they performed well the classical music of Mozart Symphony No. 40, Haydn Cello concerto, and others. At the beginning of their practice it seemed impossible for them to perform it.  But when they challenged it with passion and practiced every Saturday morning their skills gradually improved. Moreover, they had an intense music camp for three days before the concert. So they performed excellently by God's grace, making beautiful harmony, listening to each other well. Thank God for the second gens in the orchestra team who are growing in Christ Jesus our Lord.  I pray that God may continue to use our orchestra team as a small instrument of the Holy Spirit so that our second gens may grow to be world-class serving leaders, spiritually and physically.