Czech UBF Mission 2015

  • by WMD
  • Feb 04, 2016
  • 1932 reads

Key Verse: Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

I thank God for being with our ministry in year 2015. In this time, I pray we may look at God’s Grace and be thankful so we may set new goals for year 2016 and have victory by faith. 

The work of God’s Word and the work at the conference 

In year 2015 Czech UBF served messages from Mathew and Acts. Shp. Ales Máca, 2nd gen. Msn. David Shin, Msn. Joshua Kang and Msn. Hannah Shin took turns every week and grew as servants of God’s words. 

Shp. Ales Máca graduated masters from system engineering with good grades. However for many years as Jacob he studied for PhD degree at Czech Agricultural University and Vietnamese studies at Charles University. Usually it is very hard to even graduate from 1 major but Shp. Ales Máca had to study 2 majors and it was very difficult time for him. Moreover he had to took part time job as a hotel receptionist during nights. God has raised Shp. Ales as Jacob with his studies. Every time he faced difficult times and reached his limits God gave him His Words, repented with tears and looked upon God. While he was preaching message with tears it touched our hearts. I pray God may continually bless Shp. Ales to be a source of blessing for Czech ministry and servant of God’s Words that he may in year 2016 build a housechurch. 

Above all through studies from book of Acts we learned about the church in Antioch, which was a center of God’s Words, prayer, world mission and serving. I pray that Prague UBF ministry may become such a Bible center as the church in Antioch for European mission. Furthermore we learned about apostle Paul’s absolute faith in the gospel to evangelize and serve others with shepherd heart even in such difficult times when his life was threatened. I thank God who brought us many sheep this year: brothers Martin Gurín, Martin Chládek, Jakub, Lukás, Pavel, Vojta, Dominik, Lin, Viktor. Sisters: Veronika Hrdličková, Veronika Kotilková, Veronika Kotláriková, Hanka Šámalová. 

Especially, brother Martin Gurín who studies public and social policy at Charles University, denied to believe in God publicly. Nevertheless he lived common life at center and studied 1:1 continually, learned God’s love and changed his rebellious and unbelieving attitude. Sister Hanka Šamálová’s life was for a long time full of despair. While she is working as our employee at our Shinfood she studies 1:1 every week and attends our SWS. She decided by faith to love God the most and give Him the first place to come SWS every Sundays. Msn. Joshua Kang is serving brothers Yoon Seok Choi and Daniel Hong with God’s Words. 

Also Missionary Maria is serving three sisters Veronicas with Daily Bread and delicious food. Thanks to Msn. Maria’s shepherd heart are Veronica Kotláriková and Veronika Kotilková growing in His Words. This year from 4th-6th April we had our Easter conference near beautiful city named Český Krumlov. Msn. Peter Jeon served the main massage “Jesus is risen” (Mt 28). Msn. Samuel Park preached the opening message “Good and faithful servant” (Mt 25). Msn. Hannah Shin served message from Mt 27 “Jesus the King of Jews”. And Shp. Aleš Máca delivered message from Mt 21 “Feed my sheep”. Sisters Hanka Šámalová, Veronika Hrdličková, brother Martin Chládek joined our conference. Hanka Šámalová, 2nd gen. Msn. Moses and Somang Kang, brother Im Seong Mok, Msn. Petra Jeon, Msn. Aenna Rebekah shared their graceful life testimonies and accepted Jesus as their Christ. 

Shp. Ales Máca and Msn. David Shin received much grace from joining Encounter conference in Frankfurt from 6th-9th August. Especially I give thanks to Msn. Little Sarah for her prayers, support and caring for our European 2nd gens. I thank God for her visit in Prague that we could discuss and learn about “campus outreach” and “disciple making ministry”. In particular, I’d like to thank her for her shepherd heart for Msn. David and Aenna’s family to study 1:1 with them every week that they may grow as shepherd family for Czech campus students. 

20th December we had our Christmas worship service. Shepherd Ales Máca delivered Mathew chapter 2 “Jesus is the King of Jews”. Ales’s message was clear: Jesus came down as a small and weak child to save us sinners. From his message we could learn that from Jesus we may learn God’s love. In this Christmas time many our friends, employees came to our service. We all were overwhelmed with great joy while we shared prepared delicious food and gifts with others. We pray we all may grow as Jesus’ good disciples. 

Co-working and self-supporting ministry

Family of Msn. Joshua and Maria Kang are serving God’s ministry with humbleness, sincerity and whole heart. God blessed their family sending them many sheep. Msn. Maria Kang is serving three Veronika’s. Especially 2nd gens Moses and Somang are serving with Msn. Aenna Rebeka with beautiful music every Sundays. Also Msn. Samuel Park and Anna Park served sacrificially brother Im Seong Mok until he got back to Korea. During his stay in Czech he could meet Jesus personally and renew his relationship with his father. Msn. Anna Park had to take care of her beautiful three children Yedzun, Yedzi, Yena. Meanwhile she served sister Štěpánka with God’s Words. Especially we thank God for blessing Msn. Peter Jeon and Msn. Petra Jeon with a small baby Eunha. I thank God for Msn. Peter Jeon by giving him strength and good health to endure much stress from work at Korean embassy. Moreover I thank God for blessing Shinfood to support Msn. Joshua Kang’, Msn. Samuel Parks’, Mr. Choi’ and brother Daniel’s family. Especially I thank God for blessing me during my 3rd year mandate as a chairwoman of Korean association in Czech republic. Even though I didn’t have enough time, God gave me a chance to serve Korean community in Czech and moreover to meet Korean president Park Geun Hye this year. 

I prayed to God to encourage her and give strength to her by giving four minutes welcoming speech. While we studied Acts it writes that apostle Paul encouraged and strengthened all brothers and sisters wherever he was. That’s why I’m glad that president Park Geun Hye was happy during her 3 days stay in Prague. I was happy that my three year labor of serving Korean society was acknowledged by God. Moreover president Park Geun Hye acknowledged my effort as a president of Korean association. While hearing this I thought about how great reward and glory we’ll once receive from God.

2016 Key verse and Prayer topics

Our Prague UBF center’s key verse for upcoming year 2016 is Acts 1:8: “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

I repent that I didn’t wake up in early morning prayers this year. I pray that in year 2016 we could wake up in early mornings to experience the wonderful work of the Holy Spirit. 

Prayer topics for 2016: 

Sunday message by Hannah Shin, Joshua Kang, Ales Máca, David Shin.

All our coworkers to grow as 1:1 Bible teachers in Czech language. 

To raise 12 apostles and 12 Mary’s of faith at ČVUT (Czech technical), ČZU (Czech agricultural) and Charles University. 

Morning devotion, Daily Bread and 50 attendees at our SWS.

Hannah Shin