Sofia II UBF Mission 2015, Bulgaria

  • by WMD
  • Feb 01, 2016
  • 1570 reads

We started this year with God’s words-2 Corinthians 4:6 & John 21:15 and have prayed God blesses our ministry abundantly through his words. We have studied faithfully 1 Samuel and Matthew in this year and have sowed God’s words in the University of National and World Economy(UNWE, 경제대학, 

The University of National and World Economy (UNWE) is established in 1920. It is the oldest, the most prestigious and the largest economic university in Southeastern Europe. UNWE is at the first place in the rankings of Bulgarian and foreign universities with economic specialities. In 2011 it took the 1st place in Bulgaria, 13th place in Europe.

There are 8 faculties at the UNWE: General Economics Faculty, Faculty of Finance, Business Faculty, Faculty of Economics of Infrastructure, Faculty of International Economics and Politics, Management and Administration Faculty, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Statistics and Law Faculty. More than 20 thousand students are educated at the UNWE in regular.

Our main two prayer topics were to learn God’s words very deeply so that we could be good Bible teacher and shepherd for God’s glory and to send us one faithful sheep. God has led us according to those words and we served God’s flock with 1:1 Bible study. Msn John Jung and shepherd Georgi served faithfully Sunday worship service messages. 

Georgi was so tired with many jobs in the company and in the family but he struggled to serve faithfully Sunday messages. God helped him to be good Bible teacher and shepherd thorough this spiritual training. Also Missionary Heather was tired with her children but she also struggled to serve God’s sheep with sowing and Bible study. She tried to do sowing in the student town, looking after children(Iliya, Daniela). God sent this family new brothers Nikolai, Niki, Bobi, Osama(Syria), Miro and others. May God open their hearts to start regularly 1:1 Bible study in 2016.

Shepherdess Veska was the best sower of God’s words among us. She has went regularly in UNWE to meet new students. She was rejected from them many times but  never gave up to visit there throughout this year. Her faithful challenges gave us good stimulus and encourage. Also she has kept faithfully the Early morning prayer and writing testimonies before God. God opened her heart to the word of God to recognize sins and weaknesses. May God bless her and use her life preciously to be a mother of prayer and good Bible teacher.

I served steadily some brothers Dimitar and Maxim with 1:1 Bible study more than two years but they didn’t want to SWS. May God work strongly in their hearts to accept Jesus as Christ and commit to our SWS in 2016. Nowadays God started to open brother Adrian’s heart to come SWS more often. May God change his prejudices to accept God’s words step by step in 2016. Missionary Maria served old aged sister Boriana steadily with 1:1 throughout this year. She commits to our SWS almost 3 years without absence and loves to hear Sunday messages so much. But she has so many complaints due to her wounds from divorce and tough life. It was difficult for Maria to serve her during 1:1 but she could give her God’s words with perseverance. May God bless her to be used as a mother of prayer in our ministry. 

Especially I thank God that we can establish faithfully the spiritual basis on the words of God for 4 years since we started pioneering of UNWE. This was not visible before people but I have focused sincerely upon this invisible part in order to establish spiritual environment for the future and for the next generation as well. May God bless our spiritual basis abundantly so that we could be used as Bible teachers and shepherds for students of UNWE and be raised as royal priesthood for the glory of God. Amen!   

As a main repentance topic we couldn’t keep the early morning prayer steadily. We compromised with self-supporting busy life and tiredness. We also condemned each other due to self-centered mind. Nowadays we study 1 Corinthians and God revealed us what is our problem and what we should do in the church as co-workers. We decided to grow as spiritual person who concentrates on the Gospel, not on worldly and slef-centered things. May God bless each co-worker to establish one vessel of the Holy Spirit together and to be good Bible teacher among Bulgarian students. 

Praise God who leads us with his words throughout this year and helps us to serve God’s ministry yet our weaknesses and sins. May God use us in 2016 year to grow as good Bible teachers and to establish Jesus’ disciples with 1:1 Bible study and prayer. Amen!

Key verses for 2016

Hebrew 12:2 – “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

1 Corinthians 2:4-5 – “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, 5so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power.”

Prayer topics for 2016

1. To learn deeply the book of Mark so that we could be good Bible teacher and shepherd.

2. May God raise up 1 Abraham and 12 disciples in UNWE(University of National and World Economy) and grow SWS’ attendants twice(20 persons).

3. Msn. John Jung and shep. Georgi to serve the message gracefully, focusing the message of the Jesus’ cross.  

4. To keep steadily as top priority the early morning prayer and writing testimony. 

5. May God raise house church of sh. Veska in 2016.

6. 2 Gen. Jin & Chan Jung and Iliya & Daniela to grow faith and wisdom in Jesus.

By Msn. John Jung, Sofia Chapter 2