Zambia UBF Mission Report 2015

  • by WMD
  • Jan 25, 2016
  • 1626 reads

Key verse: Hebrews 12:2

  • Zambia’s National Situation

Zambia’s economic situation in 2015 was not good. Zambia’s income depends on the export of copper a lot, but the world economy was not good and copper demand was low. So the price of copper went down. And Zambia’s national bond issued for pumping money in Zambia from Europe was due. So, Zambia’s economy was frozen. The dollar exchange rate doubled. The price of products doubled. And famine affected us a lot. Harvest was not good and there was not enough water. Because of the shortage of water, electricity production was not enough, and there was no electricity during the day time for about 8 hours daily. Zambian people suffered in many ways. Through this suffering, God humbled Zambian people. Suffering is difficult to endure, but it is good to prepare ourselves before God. May God help Zambian people seek God through suffering.

  • Disciple-making

God worked in the heart of shepherd Moses. He became humble through the suffering and came back to my house to live together and serve God together. He visited the school and tried to fish for sheep. He tried to teach sheep nine-step Bible study. He is receiving message training. May God raise him as a shepherd and feed one sheep steadily and help him to learn Jesus, the good shepherd. Sometimes he is up and down. May God help him to be a faithful shepherd.

  • Second-generation Education

My first son, Vision, became a university student. When he applied for university, he was accepted from 3 universities: Korea University, Yonsei University, and Sungkyunkwan University. From a worldly point of view, Korea University and Yonsei University is better. But I wanted my son to receive student shepherd training and grow as a history maker in the main stream of God’s work. Jongno chapter 1 serves Sungkyunkwan University, so I advised my son to go to Sungkyunkwan University and live as student shepherd there. At first he did not want to go to Korea, but after he attended the summer Bible conference, he met Jesus. He personally accepted Jesus and decided go to Sungkyunkwan University by faith. Thank God for meeting my son through the conference. Thank God for helping my son to decide by faith.

  • Missionary Betty

Missionary Betty from Namibia came to study medicine in Zambia. She joined our ministry. Her school is far and it takes about two hours to come. Still, she faithfully comes to worship service. She has some personal family problems, but she keeps faith in spite of the problems and serves God. May God help her and solve her family problem.

  • Self-supporting

Self-supporting ourselves was not easy because of the general economic situation in Zambia. Businessmen cried. They said sales in Zambian currency was cut in half and that the exchange rate doubled. We experienced losses in our business too. We needed to pay school fees for our children and pay rent and other living expenses. Almost every day when I saw that there were no customers, I received a lot of stress. When I had no money to pay for something, I did not know what to do. We do not know when the economy will get better. May God have mercy on poor Zambia. Fear came into our hearts and we had no peace. May God help us endure this suffering well by faith. May God give us the necessary materials to support ourselves. 

  • 2016 Direction

In the race of faith, completing the race is most important. Keeping the race to the end is also important. When my situation was difficult and I received a lot of stress, I easily lost heart. I suffered from fear. I suffered from controlling my temper. Sometimes I thought that my life as a missionary was a failure because there was no firm disciple. This way of thinking made me depressed. I lost power and direction for my ministry. I need to look at Jesus. When I look at my situation, or my wife, or children, or sheep, I see no solution. I can find the solution only when I look at Jesus and fix my eyes on Jesus. I pray that I may have a clear direction and peace in my heart by looking at Jesus. I pray that I may struggle and solve my problems by looking at Jesus and win the victory. 

Prayer topics:

  • May God raise Shepherd Moses as a disciple of Jesus firmly
  • To provide necessary materials for our self-supporting ministry
  • To give Msn. Nehemiah the Holy Spirit and physical and mental health