Pretoria UBF II Ministry in 2015, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Jan 18, 2016
  • 1470 reads

In 2015, we strived to focus on 1:1 Bible studies to plant a basic faith in God in the hearts of our brothers and sisters through studying the Book of Genesis. Along with completing Genesis, we also finished John’s gospel this year.

Although there were no noticeable or visible improvements, our ministry gradually settled down. Among our new members, some have become steady and regular attendants to our worship services. We have an average of 25 worship attendants and around 20 to 30 1:1 Bible studies weekly.

We held two conferences this past year. The first one was the Easter conference on March 27 to 29. As we were studying Genesis, we selected three lessons related to Abraham’s faith. In total, 25 people attended. Through this conference, our regular members made the decision to grow up as the fathers and the mothers of many nations who fear and love God only, rather than anything else in this world. 

During the conference, Msn. Daniel suggested that we pray for 12 disciples each year for the next five years until 2020. I was inspired and was given a clear direction for creating a disciple-making ministry. We are also praying to raise two shepherds each year starting from 2015 to 2020. Among others, brother Fani, John, Sibu, Lethu, Happy, Herman, Lopez sister Dudu, Maite and Rejoice are the candidates. After the conference, our brother’s team meeting became more stable and settled. The sisters also formed a sister’s weekly Bible testimony sharing meeting.

We also held a spring conference on September 25 to 27. While we were preparing for this conference, Msn. Daniel Rhee and Sister Eva had heart surgery. We were worried, but we prayed for them. Indeed God blessed them and the surgeries were successful. Despite the challenges we went through, 32 people attended. The title of the conference was, “Jesus, My Good Shepherd.” As we were currently studying John’s gospel, we selected three lessons from the book of John. God raised two new messengers during the conference: John Lee and Sibusisio Stephen. Through them, we had the conviction to raise disciples of Jesus. We were also blessed to be able to listen to a presentation based on the book A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, which was presented by brother and sister team members. It gave us a better understanding of the relationship between a sheep and a shepherd, and the relationship between God and man.

During the 4th to 6th of December, we had a discipleship training programme. We took our brothers and sisters team members, as well as three high schoolers, to the conference venue and had 2 Timothy bible studies. All the participants received the word from the book of 2 Timothy and they made the decision to live as soldiers of Christ.

The year of 2015 was tough and challenging for our ministry and for me personally due to various reasons. However, I am very thankful and grateful that we are standing still and firm.

Personally, I was challenged with many trials. I suffered for almost a year with an unknown skin allergy starting from January. Rashes kept appearing every day on random parts of my body, starting from my leg, spreading to my hands, then to my face, back and chest. It was all over my skin, causing itching and swelling. Sometimes, my eyes and lips were so swollen that it disfigured my face and I was not able to talk properly. 

I felt so irritated and restless as I thought about my low quality of life and how there was not much pleasure in life. I had to meet various doctors often and took medication regularly. Eventually, my dermatologist found the right medicine for my condition to lessen the side-effects. 

However, I was not the only one with health problems, as many people around me were also experiencing health issues: Msn. Daniel and sister Eva had heart surgery, Msn. James also had some health problems, Msn. Joseph was frequently sick complaining about his back problems and often took sick leaves, and we found out that my mother-in law has Alzheimer's disease.

Worst of all, my son Joshua began to bleed abnormally from his eyes. It started earlier this year, occurring periodically in 2-3 week intervals. We took him to see various doctors and even went to Korea for a medical examination to find the cause of his bleeding. However, his condition continually worsened. He began to not only bleed from his eyes, but also from his nose and even vomited blood. During school, he fainted several times in class. Once, he fainted right before we arrived at the emergency unit, only to have the doctor do nothing and simply discharge him. He was hospitalized twice and had to go through a gastroscopy, an MRI, a sonar scan, and numerous blood tests. Despite our efforts, he was not diagnosed. Doctors assume he has a clotting problem.

Many servants of God have been praying for his health and we are following the doctor’s instructions to not feed him certain foods. During the last four weeks, though, his condition has improved and only bled once. I pray that he may be completely healed. I believe that God’s will is at work in this matter. Through these difficulties, my son was spiritually awakened and began to open his heart to God. I pray that he may meet God personally and accept Jesus as his Savior and Lord deeply in his heart. 

I personally held Joshua 17:17-18 as my key verse to go up to the forest and clear the land as a new ministry pioneer. Indeed, I found that pioneering involves a lot of effort, sacrifice, devotion, and focus. Above all, I have to deny my own feelings and emotions, but maintain my spirituality to work harder by taking up my daily crosses.

My family faced many challenges, in regards to health matters. But we believe that all things work together for our good. It brought my family closer together. When I look back at this year, I must say that it was all by the grace of God and His mercy that I could serve Him and his holy mission assigned to me. Most of all, I have really enjoyed preparing Sunday worship service messages and was touched by the word of God in the process. Msn. Daniel has been a good mentor and role model for me. Msn. Daniel Rhee, Miso Rhee, Joseph Kim’s family and Shp. Abia’s family have been good coworkers and prayer-supporters for our ministry as always. Particularly, Msn. Daniel and Miso Rhee have continuously been a blessing to our ministry, despite Msn. Daniel’s heart problem.

In 2016, we would like to focus on raising up a couple of key members to become team leaders and shepherds. I pray that the book of Numbers will encourage and inspire us to serve God and campus mission.

Prayer topics for 2016:

  • Vision 2020: to raise 12 disciples by the year 2020.
  • 25 Teams 1:1 Bible Studies and 30 worship attendants.
  • Our book of Numbers study.