Kotte UBF (Sri-Lanka) had the first Christmas Celebration

  • by WMD
  • Jan 06, 2016
  • 1519 reads

We thank God for blessing our first Christmas Worship Service, since its pioneering work on Sep. 27, 2015 by his grace, on Dec. 20th. M. Luke Jun gave the message titled, "Jesus the Savior King” on Luke 2:1-14. We also thank God for 7 brothers and sisters who attended our CWS. They were: Pushpa, Arul, Sujanthan and Hemantha (from Open University), Sameetha, Saminda, and Pushpa.

We all praised and worshiped the baby Jesus with all our hearts through Christmas songs and worship programs. We also made a contribution to the poor people in Sri Lanka with our small offering. 

We earnestly pray that those who attended our CWS will continue to grow in Jesus through one to one Bible study and by attending our Sunday Worship Service.

Kotte UBF Prayer topics :

1. To raise 1 Abraham and Sarah by God’s grace

2. To pioneer Open University and Japea university  by raising disciples among 18 colleges in Sri Lanka which is a country of idol worship

3. For M. Sarah Jun to be healed from diabetes and tumor from her breast and for M. Luke Jun to be healed from high blood pressure and a ruptured ligament in his right shoulder

4. For their children Samuel And Daniel Jun and to be self-supporting

Luke Jun