Thailand UBF CWS

  • by WMD
  • Jan 04, 2016
  • 1423 reads

"Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." MT2:2

Thailand UBF held its Christmas worship service on Dec20. Sh. Monkon gave a short and clear message entitled " Let us come and kneel down to worship Him." based on MT2:2. we worshiped baby Jesus with a joyful performance of musical instrument, a vocal ensemble and drama. We thank God for blessing our CWS with full grace and with many new sheep who came to worship the Lord.     

After finishing the CWS we all have enjoyed eating fellowship together with the abundant food prepared by our missionaries and shepherds families.

We also thank God for gradually increasing disciples in our ministry.

Our prayer topics are :

1. To win the victory over self-supporting

2. To raise Qwang and Biew as disciples

3.  To make double our three fellowship members in number

Banseok Lee