Homecoming of M. Caleb Kim, Latvia

  • by WMD
  • Sep 08, 2015
  • 1964 reads

Dear fellow workers in the Lord:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

We thank God our Father for calling His servant M. Caleb Kim on August 5, 2015, to be in His glory after guiding him to finish the race heavenward in Christ Jesus. Since 1994, M. Caleb served campus mission in Russia for 13 years and in Latvia for 6 years. He was a loving husband and father, a faithful fellow soldier and friend in Christ to us all. We are sorrowful for his sudden departure, but we rejoice as we think of him receiving the crown of righteousness from the Lord with the welcome of the cloud of witnesses and holy angels in heaven.  May we all also fight the good fight and finish the race until we participate in the glory ahead.

I thank the missionaries in CIS and God’s servants from Korea, Europe and US who came to comfort and strengthen M. Caleb Kim’s family and coworkers in Latvia. I also thank all coworkers around the world who are praying for and helping the family. 

We thank God for granting M. Esther Kim a permanent residency in Latvia.  May God be with her and Esther, Jr., providing all they need. M. Timothy Kang is succeeding Latvia ministry as director. Please pray that God may use M. Timothy & Andreanna Kang and M. Esther Kim to advance His kingdom in Latvia and the Baltic countries. I’d like to share reports and photos of M. Caleb Kim’s homecoming ceremony in the attachment.     

In Christ,

Abraham T. Kim, General Director


Good news from Riga: M. Esther Kim got a permanent residency 

Thank God who heard all our co-workers’ prayers from all over the world and blessed M. Esther Kim’s decision of faith to remain in the mission field; she got the green card back. 

In fact, because of M. Caleb Kim’s sudden death, M. Esther Kim’s green card was canceled, so the situation of M. Esther Kim meant that it would be difficult for her to stay in Riga. However, we asked intercessory prayer from our co-workers worldwide while also preparing a petition by faith.  

M. Esther Kim was greatly encouraged and comforted by God’s grace and guidance in detail.    

There are still many large and small matters for M. Esther to overcome. Please continue to pray for M. Esther and her daughter, Esther Jr. 

M. Timothy Kang, Riga, Latvia