2015 Korea National JBF Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 20, 2015
  • 1972 reads

God's Loving Embrace

"Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’" (Luke 23:34)

Hallelujah ! We give praise and thank and give all the glory to God who richly blessed the 2015 Korea JBF national SBC. From July 31 to August, 2 Korea UBF held its JBF national SBC with the theme “God’s Loving Embrace" at Jinchun Youth training center in Korea. 327 attended from Yonhee(64), Jongro(49), Kyungsung(34), Anam(34),Hanyang(16), Gwanak(13), Sungdong(6),Baebong(6), Inchun(9),Anyang(5), Chunan(3), Wonju(7), Daejoen(10), Gwangju(71).

Messengers: John Jung (Yonhee) Main lecture1 “God’s great love" Luke15:11-32 / Jungsoo Park( Gwanak) Main lecture2  for Middle school students "Jesus' forgiving love"Luke23:26-49 / 

Joseph Hong (Jongro) Main lecture3 “Do this and you will live.” Luke10:25-37

Four high school students from Joseph Nah (Gwanju), Eun-soo Koh (Kyoungsung), Ye-eun Oh (Inchun) and Ezra Moon (Jongro) gave graceful testimonies after the main lectures.

We had 31 group Bible studies with Bible materials prepared by Sh. Byunghee Han( Yonhee). 

As for life testimonies, there were eight high school students who shared their sincere  and repentant life testimonies at the meeting: HanYoo Kim (Kyoungsung), Jinsung Park (Gwangju), Joshua Suh (Jongro), Joong-gun Suh (Kyoungsung), Yechan Moon (Gwangju), Hoyon Kim (Daejoen), Caleb Joen (Yonhee) and Chanmee Park( Gwangju). 

There also were four representative testimony sharers: Yerim Choo (Baebong- Middle school), Jinjoo Kim (Jongro- Middle school), Enjin Kim (Yonhee- High school), and John Nam (Gwanju- High school). Through their testimonies they thanked God and made a decision to please God remaining in God. 

There were team by team joyful and creative activities led by Ezra Jung (Jongro) and Hosun Lee (Gwangju), and through these activities we had joyful fellowship one another in the Lord. 

There was also a praise and prayer night led by Gwangju UBF shepherds. Through their music they made a spiritual environment for us to worship God and all JBF members could jump for joy, praising God and repenting their sins and being renewed in Jesus’ forgiving love in their hearts.

We thank God for enabling us to become one in heart with good co-working as we served the conference.  The conference preparation was led  by Sh. Moses Kim (Gwanju). Messenger training was led by Sh. Seonwon Kim (Wonchun), preparing GBS & T shirts by Mija Lee, testimony training by Ludia Lim (Chunan) & Joseph Cho (Gwanak), snacks by Myounghee Kim, praise music by Bansuk Nah, ushering by Paul Oh, guidance counseling by Abraham Lee, intercessory prayer by Elizabeth Lee, video by Solki (Gwangju),  stage & environment Yoonhak Choi, and chorus (Inchun, Daejoen, Hanyang, Baebong, Anyang). 

We also thank God for Sh. David Kim's full support for the conference and all the servants throughout the world who supported with prayer and materials.

We pray that God may hear our prayer topic to send 10,000 missionaries by 2041 through our second gens. 

Moses Kim, Gwangju JBF