Jongro 1 UBF Summer Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jul 27, 2015
  • 1432 reads

“The God who Did a New Thing” 

On July 9-12 Jongro1 UBF held its SBC at UNESCO Peace Center at Echun, Korea. The theme of the conference was “The Cross, Great Power." The reason we chose the theme was to pray for our young people that through the conference they can solve their practical problems in and out and be ready to devote themselves to God as main actors in God's ministry. All 110 people attended including 24 sheep.

First, through the conference we could see the possibility of our student messengers to grow as great messengers in the future. Their names are: Praise Kim, SoHee Kim, Changyul Yoon. They prepared their messages well with all their hearts. Not only were our students very engaged by their messages but all our leaders were as well. Everyone agreed that it was due to the fact that they were well prepared.

One sister in particular, Sohee Kim (Univ. of Sungguyngwan, junior), delivered a powerful message with the title, "Offer every part of yourselves to God as an instrument of righteousness". All attendees were greatly moved by her message and our students have holy desire to be such a messenger like her and to be used by God. 

Second, through the musical drama, freshmen band, campfire and other programs all were moved and have the desire to be used in God's work.Especially, the musical entitled, "a nuclear of love," described vividly about the life story of the late martyr Sonyangwon. Its actors performed a high quality and heart-moving musical.

As for the campfire, Vision Kim (Second Gen from Zambia- Univ of Sunggyungwan, freshmen) and Jaeyoung Yoon (Univ of Hansung) ignited the campfire and the procession of candle light in order that that light of the Holy Spirit be ignited in the hearts of all our students. And through the conference 16 people presented their sincere graceful testimonies.

After finishing the conference Professor Myounghee Kim who was moved through the conference said, “No student can't be changed by such a wonderful and spiritual atmosphere through this conference".  In this conference our missionaries M. Rebekah Kim (Zambia), Maria You (Swaziland) and Dr. Magie (Uganda) came to participate in and shared God's grace together with us.

We praise and thank God for answering all our prayers and for His abundant blessing upon our conference which was full of the Holy Spirit igniting the fire of the Holy Spirit in our young people, despite the fearful atmosphere created by the MERS virus in Korea. Thank God also for letting us be an inspiration to other chapters just as we had prayed for. We also thank God for sending ten missionaries to other countries in 2015. For this, we held on to Isaiah 43:19 in order to raise new disciples as main actors of God's work.

We pray that God may continue to grow our new students as main actors of God's history through spiritual training by team (Freshman History Makers’ team). Now 18 students willingly decided to participate in reaching the summit of the Jiri mountain in order to be used by God as spiritual main actors after learning about perseverance and the spirit of self-denial through the mountain training.    

Caleb Kim