Jongro 2 UBF SBC, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jul 21, 2015
  • 1682 reads

On July 9 to 12 Jongro 2 UBF held its SBC with the theme: "God's Warm Heart" at Grace Hill Conference Center in Kangwha Province in Korea. God blessed us to have 28 sheep and a total of 120 attendees. Most of the sheep were those who have been faithful to GBS and Bible cafe, and their hearts were open toward God's word.  During the preparation of the conference, most of them participated in conference programs such as dance, praise and music, and in writing reflections about their life histories. Our eight leaders also prepared graceful and heart-moving life testimonies based on the theme: “One Thing I Know …" which made a good spiritual atmosphere for the conference.

Not only were the five main lectures graceful but also all the programs such as a talent contest (first day), activity at the mud flat (second day), and team by team contest (third day). Everyone was full of grace and joy, making the conference a spiritual feast. Among the special guests were Msn. Susana Kim and her three daughters (Joanna, Maria and Hannah) from Switzerland; the daughters said that they were so happy from the conference and would like to come every year.  

After the conference all 30 of our student leaders and sheep had another one night & two days MT trip to Ulwanglee beach resort at Younjong Island near Incheon airport. The purpose of this conference was to encourage our student leaders for their hard labor for serving SBC and to evaluate the SBC. They also had a good time of fellowship. 

We pray that God may enable us to continue to raise disciples and help them to be rooted in the gospel and in the love of Christ through Saturday testimony sharing and GBS (based on themes). In 2015 may God help us to raise ten disciple candidates among new sheep.

Thank you for your prayers.

Spurgeon Lee