Korea UBF World Mission Directors’ and Treasurers’ Meeting 2015

  • by WMD
  • Jun 16, 2015
  • 1693 reads

On June 6, Korea UBF held its world mission directors’ and treasurers’ meeting with the theme "Only by prayer" at Jongro UBF center in Seoul Korea.

First, we all gathered together and had a graceful GBS based on ACTS1 in a very friendly atmosphere, having good conversation with each other about the significance of prayer and about how each ministry has their prayer meetings.

After having an abundant lunch, Sh. Caleb Kim (Jongro1) gave us a graceful message from ACTS1 at late Dr. Samuel Lee memorial hall.

Through the message we learned that to be witnesses of Jesus is our life purpose for the rest of our lives, and that when we desperately pray to God though we are weak, God himself will surely work and raise disciples among our ministries.

By this all the attendees got new desire to devote themselves to God “only by prayer” like Elijah and Hannah, not ritualistic prayer.

After the message Sh. Seong-won Kim (Wonchun UBF) presented his happy shepherd life with humor and it was heart moving and graceful to all.

And Sh. Moses Yoon informed us about the upcoming 2016 world mission report in Korea. Especially, he stressed that we must actively pray to God for the 2016 world mission report so that God himself will lead the meeting.

Each one returned to their center after having earnest two by two or three by three prayer.

We pray that God may revive us once again to bear the mission as a priestly nation for all nations through 2016 world mission report.

Caleb Kim (World Mission department, Korea)