St. Petersburg UBF Spring Conference

  • by WMD
  • May 08, 2015
  • 1709 reads

St. Petersburg held a joint Bible conference 2015 with St. Petersburg Art UBF. The combined total of the conference was attended by 48 people including Sh. Alexey Belykh family with two 2nd gens from Moscow chapter and Sh. Daniel Zhivaev from MIGMO UBF. Both Sh. Alexei and Sh. Daniel greatly encouraged us through sharing the words of God and a life testimony.

Praise Jesus, the Good Shepherd! During the preparation, we set a purpose on this conference for each one of us to deeply learn the good shepherd Jesus and grow to be a good shepherd like Jesus with sincere spiritual desire.

For this, we chose Exodus 6:7, "I will take you as my own people” as the first lecture, Luke 17:17, “Where are the other nine?” as the second lecture, John 10:10, "Jesus the Good Shepherd" as the third lecture, Luke 8:50, "Don’t be afraid; just believe” as the fourth lecture,  and Matthew 28: 19-20, “Preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth” as the fifth lecture.

After the conference two sisters, Aryona and Irina decided to live by faith only and took a clear life direction.  Sarah Jr., as a second gen gave us a good exemplary influence either during the preparation of the conference and by delivering a message at the conference. Sh. Sergey as well grew one more level as a messenger through this conference. Most of all, M.  Michael Thompson‘s family had a good opportunity of spiritual recharge. All our co-workers deeply learned once again that God really blesses us when we sacrifice ourselves for Jesus, the gospel of Jesus and his sheep.

On the other hand, we also could find some repentant topics; the messengers were not fully prepared until right before the conference and lack of prayers comparing to previous years-we had a prayer meeting only for 4 days a week.

Personally, I newly realized that I was not a good shepherd far from Jesus. Through this conference I got challenged to struggle to be a good shepherd for campus brothers. I pray that I may challenge again to the campus brethren ministry and successfully serve them to stand firm as disciples of Jesus. I pray also for all our co-workers to be good shepherds who feed the Lord’s sheep.

By Caleb & Sarah Han