Depok UBF Easter Bible Conference Report, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • Apr 29, 2015
  • 1998 reads

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” John11:25-26

Praise be to Jesus who is the Lord of resurrection and life. On April 3, 2015 Depok UBF held its Easter Bible conference at our center building in Indonesia as we did before. We thank God who heard our earnest prayers and richly blessed our Easter conference with 40 new sheep, full of God’s word through the Holy Spirit. We had an earnest united prayer meeting every day for the preparation for a month holding on to the word of promise: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people.” Joel 2:28

During the conference, God used our music team members (guitar, drum and keyboard - a mega church music team level) so preciously praising God and worshiping God with all their hearts opening all the hearts of the newcomers and all attendees to the Lord.  God raised five powerful messengers among the new missionaries.

The opening message entitled, “The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up” based John 3, was given to be born again. He doesn’t want anyone to perish but to have eternal life.
Afterward, we had an Easter game, Bible reading contest, key verse memorization and fellowship by fellowship GBS.
The Main lecture 1, “The Cross of Jesus” from John 19 was given by M. Moses Lim. His life testimonial message gracefully testified to Jesus who came to save us from all our sin and bore all the sufferings on the cross in our place.

The next morning we had a GBS based on the passage of main lecture 2 entitled, “I am the Resurrection and the Life” from John 20. This was followed by lecture 2, a powerful message given by M. John Lee. He boldly testified to Jesus who came to call sinners like us who were powerless under the power of death, and made us powerful witnesses of the resurrection. After the message we all wrote deep life testimonies and shared with each other in tears and all were full of resurrection faith.

In the evening the same message but in Indonesian language was gracefully given by M. Jonathan Reese. Because of the joy from the resurrection messages all the new students were singing praise and praying until midnight.

On the third morning M. Timothy Lee gave a graceful message entitled “Do You Love Me?" from John 21.  Jesus came to visit Peter to restore the love relationship with him even though Peter denied Jesus three times. But Jesus said to him “Do you love me? Feed my lambs.” It clearly shows us about Jesus’ unfailing love for sinners like us. By this we were all moved by his unfailing love though we don't deserve it, and all made a decision to love him with all our hearts and to take care of his sheep.

A special feature of this conference was that the Holy Spirit has mightily worked among the new sheep soaking them in God’s word during the conference in spite of difficulties because most of the new sheep were coming and going during the meetings as happened before. God brought about 40 new sheep. They all were full of grace, singing praising to God till midnight through the conference.  We praise God for the 40 new sheep (total attending number 140), an unprecedented work of God before in our conference history.

And furthermore some of our growing leaders who were powerless under the power of death because of their lack of faith were restored to their full strength in the risen Christ. We praise and thank God for reviving all our hearts in the resurrection of Jesus and who made us a mighty army of God in Christ.
In Depok UBF our six fellowships leaders were full of joy seeing the new students who were faithful to writing & sharing their testimonies in each fellowship. As a conclusion to the conference we had a Sunday worship service in the great hall of the second floor of Depok UBF center. During the worship we saw God greatly bless our worship hall with overflowing God’s flocks so that me and some of us had to standing in the back for lack of chairs.

Eight years ago when we had dedicated our new center building to the Lord we thought that the day when we can fill the building with God’s flocks would be far off. But God has done great things among us beyond our thoughts. By this I remembered God’s word “Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” Psalm82:10b.

I praise the Lord who blesses when we open wide our mouth as the measure of our faith.

In joy we had to purchase more chairs for SWS and decided to hold our next conference at the other place where there is more room. We pray that God may enable us to fulfill 120 one to one and 120 SWS by the resurrection faith given from the Easter conference.
After the conference we will resume our Genesis Bible study and message starting from Genesis 18. Through this we pray to deeply learn the love of God who raised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the ancestors of faith. Please also pray for me that God may have mercy on me and empower me and fill my heart and our ministry with the mighty word of Genesis through the study.

In Christ,

Peter Lee