Yonhee UBF Joint Easter Worship, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Apr 17, 2015
  • 2074 reads

I have seen the Lord

“Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord." and she told them that he had said these things to her.” (John20:18)

On April 5, 2015, Yonhee 1&2 UBF and JBF held its joint Easter worship service on the third floor hall of Yonhee world mission center.

It started with powerful praise which was full of grace led by 8 JBF members. And Sh. David Kim gave a resurrection message entitled “I have seen the Lord" based on John 20. Risen Christ himself appeared to Mary and called her by name “Mary” who was crying in deep sorrow under the power of death but risen Jesus wiped away her tears and made a witness of his resurrection and she was full of joy.

And in the evening when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said "Peace be with You!" and he empowered them with the Holy Spirit and sent them to proclaim the resurrection and forgiveness of sins to the whole world.

He came to visit Thomas letting him touch his holy body and said, "Stop doubting and believe."

This risen Christ has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead that can never perish, spoil or fade.

Through the message the risen Christ came to visit each of us and drove out all our sorrows, fears and doubts from our hearts and gave us all clear confidence of final victory in the risen Christ.

It also strengthened each of us to take care of sin-sick and dying young campus souls in the living hope of resurrection and victorious faith and joy.

These followed by a resurrection cantata entitled, “Christ has triumphed" rendering glory to God, conducted by Sh Nayoung Han and piano played by Sh. Jungjin Han. Through it we all were filled with the faith of victory and of resurrection.

Especially we thank God for Sh. Andreas ( Heidelberg UBF), M. Maria Hong, Maria Hong Jr ,Enoch Hong ( Stuttgart UBF) and  Dr. Matthew & Dr. Judy( Kaohsiung UBF Tawan) who came to attend our worship service.

We also thank God and greatly rejoiced, for he brought the students who have been faithful to one to one Bible studies and to our meetings for the last three years to our Easter worship service from Songdo campus of Yonse University, and the 2015 freshmen as well. They all were moved by the resurrection message. It also gave us new vision and hope for campus ministry.

We thank God for accepting all our co-workers’ united prayers, early morning prayers, memorization of 1Cor15 and music practices for the Easter worship service for the last two weeks through the EWS and drove out all the power of darkness and filled us full of the glory of resurrection and hope and the light of life in the risen Christ.

Lee Seung Woon