2015 North American UBF staff conference

  • by UBF HQ
  • Apr 02, 2015
  • 3314 reads

Dear North American chapter leaders,

We will be holding our annual staff conference June 17-20, 2015 at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. It is a little over a one-hour drive from the Denver International Airport. All staff and their wives are welcome to attend. We will be studying Paul's letter to the Philippians. 

The title of the conference is: "The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ Jesus." The author of the book College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture, Stephen Lutz, will be our special guest speaker. The staff conference program and Bible study questions will be ready soon. 

Attached to this email is a document written by our staff education committee explaining why the book of Philippians was chosen for this year. May God richly bless us all through this studying this book newly.

Some national leaders from our UBF chapters around the world will be our guests at this conference. Please pray for the selection of messengers, and that group Bible study leaders may be well prepared. As usual we will also hold regional staff meetings the last day of the conference.

As we did last summer in New Hampshire, people should plan to arrive at the conference site after dinner on Wednesday (dinner on your own) to check in to their rooms. The program ends on Saturday with lunch. 

In addition, there will be a post-conference excursion to the Rocky Mountain National Park, about a 1.5 hour drive from campus. It includes Saturday dinner and a 1-night stay at the YMCA at Estes Park, Sunday breakfast, and attending the Denver UBF Sunday service on June 21. Denver UBF coworkers have graciously agreed to provide lunch for all guests. All staff and their wives are welcome to stay for this excursion as their time allows. The cost of this excursion will be posted on our website.

Our online registration link is (https://ubf.org/staff_conference). There you will also find information about two shuttle companies that provide service in between the airport and the campus. 

Each person should be responsible to book their shuttle service with one of the two companies that will be listed on our website. 

The other option is to rent a car, if you so choose. 

Those who choose the post-conference excursion should arrange for a one-way shuttle to the CSU campus. Their transportation cost to the Rocky Mountains on Saturday, to Denver UBF on Sunday and to the airport after lunch will be included in the excursion fee.

Other than this, UBF coworkers will not be involved in ride arrangements to and from the airport. Feel free to network with your chapter members or other staff you may know in North America to car pool in a rented car, if you'd like.

On our online registration website you should indicate if you'd like to stay for the post-conference excursion to the Rocky Mountains and the Denver UBF visit. We need to know by April 19th.

Feel free to forward this email to those in your chapter that may share leadership with you and would like to attend. If there are new staff candidates you'd like to invite, please contact me and Pastor Abraham Kim.

May God richly bless your Easter celebrations. May the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection reach all our North American college students and help them know his grace of forgiveness, the living hope of God's kingdom, and God's call to spread the gospel to all nations.

In His grace,

Mark Vucekovich

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