Pretoria I UBF Easter

  • by WMD
  • Mar 31, 2015
  • 2381 reads

We focused on writing Bible testimony

Our chapter had a conference at a youth camp named Lofdal on 13-15 March 2015. Genesis 12-15 was given to this spiritual event and we tried to understand the words of God, the story of Abraham’s early life after God’s calling. Unlike others conferences, this time we planned to write Bible testimonies deeply, observing and meditating carefully on the passages of Genesis 12 through 15, not hurrying to go to write the personal applications. Thus we called the conference “The Bible testimony conference.”

In line with this idea, Shep Theo presented, “How to write Bible testimony” on the second morning session. All attendees observed on the passages with close attention and with lengthy meditation. In this way we could renew our attitude in studying the word of God at the conference. Everyone was deeply moved by the life of Abraham who obeyed God’s calling and learned that God set a hopeless old man as the source of blessing to others down through generations.

God will establish a house church to pioneer Mozambique

At this conference God showed us the pioneering vision to Mozambique, the Portuguese speaking country next South Africa. Msn Mateus Singh in Portugal sent shepherdess Sara Neusa to our conference. She is a PhD student majoring Toxicology in Lisbon University. She speaks Portuguese and a good candidate to pioneer Mozambique campus.

When Shep Thapelo in our chapter delivered the message on Genesis 13, he made a spiritual decision that he will not go to a green land near to Sodom as a career seeking life, but will remain in the land of God’s promise even though there would be some hardships. He has a possibility to become a successful IT auditor at some company, but decided to give his heart to God’s work first.

Afterward Sh. Sara Neusa also wrote her Bible testimony on the same text, and confessed, she will not pursue a comfortable life in Portugal, but will pioneer one of Portuguese speaking countries. We came to know this is God’s work in the hearts of Sh. Thapelo and Sh. Sara Neusa. The word of God sealed them in one mind that they would go to Mozambique for campus mission after marriage in God’s time. I have confirmed that they would marry and move to Mozambique to pioneer. We learned that God is faithful and works wonderfully that has been hearing our prayer to pioneer Mozambique.

The conference was the time we could renew the attitude of sincere Bible study by writing Bible testimony. We learned that when we live in the land of promise with some hardships then God blesses us. Especially we saw that God is pleasing our pioneering vision for Africa continent, hearing prayers of co-workers worldwide UBF.