God’s Grace in the House Church of Geneva UBF, Switzerland By Paul S. Lee

  • by WMD
  • Feb 19, 2015
  • 2482 reads

In 2014 the world was shaken by natural disasters, terror, wars and epidemics. In the last 12 months I suffered much because of the poor financial situation at my company where I work, and M. Sarah also suffered so much at her job. In spite of this, God’s grace and faithfulness were new every day. M. Sarah wrote down all her thanksgiving topics for 2014 and it covered 32 pages. It is impossible for me to summarize all 32 pages onto one page; that is why I would like to write down just a few points here.

In order to overcome fear and to learn faith, we declared the words every day: “Do not be afraid of anything. Do not worry about tomorrow. Thank you. Today something good will happen. Today is the best day. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Holy Spirit, please help me.” My colleagues at work often repeat the same words because of our influence: “Today is the best day.”

Thank God that despite our shortcomings we could be used in the prayer room as holy priests who brought sacrifices of praise and prayer. May God help many Christians to wake up early in the morning and fill God’s bowl with the incense offering of their prayers.

Every Sunday we studied a book from Genesis to Malachi in the Old Testament, 39 books, and the Holy Spirit gave us much grace. We found God again and the biblical sense of history and affirmed our faith in Jesus.

Paul Jr. finished his military service in the Swiss Air Force and came back home like a brave man. In my opinion, a soldier’s life in Switzerland is much harder than in Korea because Switzerland is made up of rocky Alps. In the last 10 months Paul Jr received God’s special love and a lot of prayer support through his parents. Thank God who accepted and blessed every day’s detailed prayer topics for Sarah Jr. who is in her fourth year of design studies.

Last week, by the faith of family of Daniel, we distributed 400 Bibles and 200 Jesus DVDs among the students in Geneva. We also mailed them free of charge through our website to people in South America, Africa, France, Italy and Canada. Hallelujah.

From the end of June to the end of August M. Samuel H. Lee and Anna Lee from Zimbabwe visited us and the coworkers in Switzerland and Europe. For this reason we held a weekend conference with the coworkers from Nantes and Bern in Kandersteg where the night sky is very starry. There were various workings of the Holy Spirit, especially a poor and sick brother from India attended the conference. He was in an accident with a motorcycle and suffered from a chronic sickness. On the last day, God’s servants prayed for him together. And he was healed. Jesus healed him. Hallelujah.

Last year, my lovely wife and children, my lovely mission coworkers from Bern, my lovely brothers and sisters in Jesus encouraged each other and supported each other in faith and love. We attended the European summer conference and afterward we received the grace of having fellowship with many of God’s servants.

At the beginning of June, I received the Lord’s special grace which I would like to tell, for maybe it can be useful to those who travel much by flight. During the Pentecost holidays, Yann and I went to visit his father in Laurient in France in order to help him and to share the Gospel with him. During my Bible lecture on the flight, Psalm 36:6 remained in my heart: “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” Shep. Bruno and M. Jacob from Nantes in France drove out 2 hours to Laurient to help Jean. We five worked hard. At 10 pm we five held a small prayer meeting and Shep. Bruno gave the message that Jesus is our friend. That night Jesus became Jean’s eternal friend.  Hallelujah.

After five gracious days, we boarded the plane, but the plane got caught in a strong storm over Lyon. The small twenty-seat aircraft flew high and low, and the seat belts seemed to be useless. But I thought positively that I was just playing cloud-surfing. But the situation became more serious. So I repeated six times the following words: “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I command the wind. Be quiet!” Suddenly the wings of the plane became steady. It landed in Lyon safe and sound. When I got home, all my family welcomed me as if I had come back from the dead. M. Sarah said that she had prayed for two hours for my return without problem. Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” Jesus was in heaven and over the clouds.

For the New Year 2015:

Revelations 5:8b: “…golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.”

  1. In the New Year we want to pray much. May God help us to fill the golden bowls of incense with prayer.
  2. Through God's word we want to learn about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
  3. Through studying the New Testament in Sunday worship we want to learn more about Jesus 
  4. We pray for the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus.

One Word: Golden bowls full of incense