Sweden UBF Report by Dr. John Joo

  • by WMD
  • Feb 16, 2015
  • 2084 reads

A Kingdom of Priests, A Holy Nation

Exodus 19: 5,6a

“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

I A Review of 2014

At the end of 2013 we had the European national directors’ conference in Poland. Through 2 Timothy I accepted Apostle Paul’s faith anew, in which he preached God’s word at all times.

I was able to serve the Sunday worship service with Genesis and Exodus. I learned that sin is stubborn, but moreover God’s love is unending. Sister Cristina came with her daughter every two weeks to Sunday worship and accepted God’s word. Although she tried to find a job for her husband in England, it did not work out. So, she decided to remain in Sweden. Shepherd Allan from Uganda earned his doctorate. I pray God uses him all the more as a mature campus shepherd and Bible teacher for the students in Uganda. Markus works at the immigration department for asylum seekers. He yearns for Korean food and does not forget to come once a year for Bible study. That was the way he kept in touch with us. A Swedish grandmother Gudrun has regular fellowship with M. Grace through spiritual talks. She suffers from arthritis in her fingers. I take care of her with acupuncture. Our fellowship continues uninterrupted.

In 2009 Missionary Chongim You from Hongkong UBF told me that Skyjo, his son from Shepherdess Grace in Hongkong UBF, was in Sweden. At that time he had no interest in Bible study. But in February 2014, he came to Bible study. He had spiritual desire through his mother's intercession. His mother’s persistent prayer moved his heart. Now he works as a cook but he wanted from that time on to work helping people. Then he registered for the European summer conference 2014.

At the beginning of July M. Samuel and M. Anna Lee from Zimbabwe visited our manger ministry. After their service in Korea UBF ended, they went to Zimbabwe as silver missionaries and served our missionaries and native students humbly. I received great grace through this. They served us with the theme on the Holy Spirit, and during the Sunday worship they sang together. In this way, they served us with love. May God bless this family and strengthen them to serve the souls on the campus in Zimbabwe.

New gen Eunhye Jr attends the Örebro University und Anna the Uppsala University. They pray for the souls on the campus. May God help them each to serve on soul with Jesus’ love in the new year.

This year's European summer conference was prepared with prayer. Although we had difficulties in meeting together, we met through Skype and prayed. All of the national directors had a servant's attitude and met together and prayed for the ESBK 2014.

Brother Skyjo wanted to attend the ESBK, but he had to work in the province. We drove with the car to pick him up and went directly to the conference. It was a 1300 km drive, but we had lovely fellowship with each other. He wrote and shared his life testimony during the conference. He received clear direction through God’s word to lead a serving life by faith in God.

I thank God that he gave me clear direction through his word, “Have faith in God”. Through God’s word I pray to believe in Jesus as king, judge and our true temple and to serve the gospel work on the campus.

After the ESBK 2014 Sister Dixi came to Bible study. She is Skyjo’s girlfriend and would like to know the God her boyfriend believes in. She studied God’s word seriously and accepts it deeply. May God help her with Skyjo to grow as a mother of faith.

II Spiritual Direction and Prayer Topics for 2015

After studying Genesis and Exodus, I realized that sin is stubborn and I see myself as a sinner who keeps on sinning. I see that I do not go in the direction that God shows me. I learned that God loved his chosen people to the end and led them with patience. Through Exodus I want to realize what God will make out of me and experience this myself how God does it. That is why I am holding on to Exodus 19:5,6a. I pray to have steadfast faith in this year, to stand before God as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation for the souls on the campus in Sweden. I pray for the work of God’s word from Exodus and to be faithful to visit the campus and for building an altar of prayer in order to serve the souls on the campus.

One Word: A kingdom of priests, a holy nation

Prayer Topics

1. Sweden to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (120 Bible teachers, 12 house churches by 2017)

2. M. John Joo: Sunday message from Exodus

3. 12 1:1 Bible studies and 12 attendants to SWS (Br. Skyjo’s spiritual growth)

4. Children’s healthy growth in spirit, body and soul as second generation

5. Restoration of health for M. Grace Joo (slipped disk)