Minsk UBF, Belalus 2015 Key Verse & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 11, 2015
  • 1261 reads

Key Verse: Philippians 2:5: “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…”

I took Philippians 2:5, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus…” as my key verse for 2015 in order for me to grow to be mature on a higher level of faith by having Jesus' mindset.

Prayer Topics:

  1. To learn the good shepherd Jesus through John's gospel study every Sunday
  2. For our brothers and sisters, Yeo Jun Yoon, Yeo Nyung Yoon, and Lydia Oh, to be raised as shepherds through the upcoming Spring Discipleship Conference in April
  3. For sisters Naszza, Anya and Veronica to grow as disciples of Jesus through faithful Bible study and Sunday worship service
  4. For Shs. Ji Uk Jung and Sh. Raman’s family to be raised as good missionary co-workers for Minsk ministry (Shs. Ji Uk Jung will receive mission training in the coming Summer this year and be officially sent out as a UBF missionary to Minsk from Korea.)