2015 New Year Testimony by James Lee, Zimbabwe

  • by WMD
  • Feb 09, 2015
  • 2208 reads

2015 New Year Testimony by James Lee

Key Verse : 1 Cor 1:18b, “for the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

When I look back on 2014, I thank God for his wonderful grace and love. Even though I am a sinner who is selfish, hypocritical, lustful, proud and did not serve others with all my heart, by God’s grace, I was a messenger for his work. Before God, I want to truly repent and receive his grace of forgiveness of sins. I am unfaithful and unqualified to do his work; but only by the grace of God, I have been serving his work for 20 years in this country. I would like to thank God that I could continue to serve his work in this country. I thank God who has blessed me to serve his mission for twenty years in Zimbabwe. In 2014, we studied John’s gospel and 1 Samuel. Through Hannah’s prayer and Samuel’s dedication, I prayed to raise influential spiritual men and women of God for this country.

I would like to review our ministry briefly for 2014.

First, early morning prayer meeting. We have morning prayer meeting everyday at 5:30 a.m. Missionary Samuel Lee, Caleb Shin and I are participating in the morning prayer meeting and daily bread. Our tent brothers participate in the prayer meetings and we can have a personal prayer time with God. I pray that our brothers may devote themselves to prayers deeply. Early morning prayer is very important for spiritual growth. I would like to continue morning prayer meeting continually and pray that our tent members learn how to pray.

Second, Easter conference. We held an Easter conference from April 11-13. There were more than 70 students who attended the conference. Shepherd Last delivered, “It is Finished”, based on John 19. He testified that he repented his cultural Christian lifestyle and deeply accepted Jesus’ death on the cross. Shepherd Obet delivered a message on Jesus’ resurrection based on Jn 20. Shepherd Lovemore delivered, “Feed my Sheep” based on Jn 21. Through visiting Korea last year, he has learned to become a responsible shepherd for the sheep, even though he was very busy for his last year medical course. He prays to serve two medical students faithfully.

We had a book symposium, “Not a Fan,” written by Kyle Idleman. Sister Faith, Sandra, More-blessing divided this book into four parts. It taught us to grow from fans to full-time followers of Christ. This book helped us immensely to re-examine our relationship with Christ. Brother Simba testified that he turned from chasing after girls to focusing on his spiritual growth. We pray to raise true disciples of Jesus in our generation.

Third, the Summer conference. We also held a summer conference from November 7-9 at our center. We had 67 people including partial attendants for this conference. Shepherd Onward delivered a message entitled, “Your Sins Are Forgiven.” (Mk2) He confessed that he is being refined to be more and more like Jesus. Shepherd Last delivered a message entitled, “You Give Them Something to Eat” (Mk 6). After graduating from UZ, he is struggling to find a job.

We also had a book symposium, “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” by Joshua Harris. Sister Esther, Shile, Lillian, Faith, and brother Simba prepared this book symposium. It has very practical and important lessons for youth.

Fourth, Christmas service. We celebrated Christmas on  Dec. 14 and I delivered the message entitled, “Immanuel”. We selected six people who needed material assistance and gave them each 100 dollars. We wanted to practice the love of God by helping the needy.

Fifth, missionaries and local leaders. Msn Samuel and Ana Lee are faithfully serving many students and teaching the Korean language course. This country has serious economic hardships, but Msn Caleb and Jacob are doing their business by the grace of God. Shepherd Last graduated and is looking for a job. He is working as an intern shepherd. I want to co-work with him. We will have five junior doctors by March 2015.They pray to establish house churches and find jobs near Harare. I pray that they may become good co-workers and medical doctor-shepherds. Shepherd Oliver is serving Sunday message once a month. I thank God for Shepherd Oliver’s family and co-working.

Sixth, new year direction.

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”(1Cor 1:18b) I have realized that it is impossible to change others without the power of God. The way to have the power of God is through the message of the cross. I would like to deliver the message of the cross with all my heart. I pray earnestly that I may repent with a broken and contrite heart. This year will be the 20th year of our ministry. I want to raise local leaders who are faithful in doing the work of God. I pray that God may bless this nation and raise disciples of Jesus. I am unworthy but by the grace of God, I would like to continue his work by faith. I pray that God may raise house churches and that they also continue to serve God’s mission and become shepherds and faithful Bible teachers. My wish for 2015 is to raise leaders who repent with broken and contrite hearts. I pray that God may reveal his power through the message of the cross.

One word : The Message of the Cross