Thailand UBFNews & Prayer

  • by WMD
  • Feb 06, 2015
  • 1278 reads

Thailand UBF campus pioneering work began through M. Banseok Lee' family about 22 years ago, though they did not know anything about Thailand. The country is like a wasteland spiritually. Especially Bangkok is the capital city and a seaport and the most populous city of Thailand and the center of East Asia which is full of idols and lust like the city of Corinth.

By the grace of God, in this city God has established three house churches as shepherd families for the young campus souls in Thailand campuses though we did nothing but be faithful to God in prayer and keeping our faith. Through this we learned that though we can do nothing but pray, in the course of time, God sends his flocks and raises his disciples through the Holy Spirit for his name's sake.

God also blessed our two children, Hannah and Miso, to grow well in faith and now they are studying in Korea and are also receiving spiritual training to be shepherds at Gwanak3 UBF in Korea. We pray that God may continue to grow them in faith and provide them with what they need in Korea. We praise and thank God for blessing our ministry and family thus far. Though it is hard for us to both raise disciples and support our family we believe that God will surely help us to overcome the hardships and reveal his glory through us.

We pray that God may enable us to bring 40 attendees to our Sunday worship service in this year. We pray also that God may bless my LPG installation business to increase to 40 LPG installations each month. Thank you for your love and prayer support!

I attached the pictures of the three house churches and three fellowships (Monkon & Wachery, Luke & Peat, Thampaul &  Onpauline).

Banseok & Deborah Lee