The Work of God in Wits UBF, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Feb 03, 2015
  • 1857 reads

“‘You do not want to leave too, do you?’ Jesus asked the Twelve. Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’” (John 6:67-68)


The year 2014 was very challenging for the ministry and my missionary life. Many students lost their interest in studying the Bible. Each of us including missionaries and leaders got stuck in their personal problems in school, at work or within the family. We thought many prayer topics were not answered. Some of us were going through spiritual depression, grumbling over God’s silence. I hoped Sunday messages would be encouraging and heart-moving for them, but I felt I was compelled to deliver them with less confidence, overwhelmed by a look of distress on their faces. Our Sunday service was very calm and quiet. Sometimes there was no response or reaction while a Sunday message was being delivered. I became less and less enthusiastic, gradually losing my passion for serving God’s mission. I saw a spiritual deadlock within the ministry and in each person’s life, but I was helpless to break it, not knowing what do to. Msn. Daniel Rhee helped me not to try to do many things. He advised me to take a step back from work Of course it didn’t mean to sit down and do nothing, but rather to focus on something important – focusing on growing disciples, Bible studies and my relationship with God and with each person. It’s through 1 Samuel studies, we could overcome the depression, and God renewed our hearts through the Bible conferences. We realized that God answered all our prayers in a such a way that God was glorified. It taught us a lot, especially young disciples. They were young and sometimes overwhelmed by worldly people, but in the end they all confessed that they found the words of eternal life in Jesus. The life of faith in this world was tough and challenging, but a time of difficulty is actually God’s opportunity to build up our faith. God in His providence and profound wisdom created the foundation of our young disciples in this year. When I recalled 2014, it was very challenging, but I had nothing to say except that God was with each of us with His words, which were comforting, encouraging and life-changing. It’s God who sustained our life of faith in our daily lives during this year.


It’s through 1 Samuel Bible Studies God opened our spiritual eyes. We completed Mark's gospel study in July, and began 1 Samuel study from August. We agreed it might be a good time to study a Bible book from the Old Testament for the sake of missionaries and leaders, and because we had no newcomers, and most students were in a mode of hibernation due to their school works. 1 Samuel begins its story with Hannah who was in deep trouble. As soon as we learned about Hannah’s deep inner trouble, we felt it wasn’t just a story in the Bible, we felt it’s our story. One shepherd struggled to graduate from the university for years while his friends got jobs and settled down as members of society. We didn’t know what to say to his constant failures despite his hard work and his dedication to the ministry for years. One missionary strived to support his family for years, overcoming language barrier and cultural differences at work. He experienced many difficulties, and was unfairly treated by his bosses. Yet his circumstances did not change. One shepherd lost his father who was just over fifty. Some were struggling to find a job, and others had issues of health, finance or family. We wondered why God let this happen, why God didn’t look upon his suffering children, and why God was silent while we were going through hardships. But 1 Samuel studies opened our spiritual eyes. We could see God’s marvelous works and His providence behind the scenes. We could learn that our sufferings were not meaningless but rather the beginning of God’s great work. We also learned that our life of faith shouldn’t be driven by problem solving or gift receiving. God’s true gift for Hannah wasn’t her son Samuel. It’s her acknowledgment of God’s presence and God’s grace and mercy upon her. 1 Samuel studies this year were God’s true blessing for each person.


(1) EASTER CONFERENCE: In April, we had our Easter Bible conference with the theme “Neither Do I Condemn You”, and with 23 attendees. Five of them were newcomers. We heard 4 messages from John’s gospel. Especially Sis. Lebo’s personal testimony on her message was touching. She used to be self-destructive, throwing herself into sexual immorality. She was self-condemned. Through writing the message, God helped her to find herself before Jesus from a woman caught in adultery in John 8. She accepted Jesus’ forgiving grace from His words “Neither do I condemn you”. This year she felt lonely as she was almost the only sister in the ministry after her shepherd left as well as a couple of sisters later. She struggled to overcome the loneliness along with persecution from her parents. But it became her spiritual nourishment to grow her as a woman of faith.

(2) SPRING CONFERENCE: In October, we had the spring Bible conference with the theme “You Will Be A Blessing“, and with 20 attendees. Since we had a Bible conference every half-year, this conference was the most challenging to invite students. We were panicking as many regular members declined our invitation. Many didn’t come to the conference, but we were surprised by 4 brothers and 2 sisters who joined the conference for the first time. The messages based on Luke 5 and Genesis 12 were deep and profound, leaving fundamental questions in our hearts about a man’s life and its purpose. Among the newcomers, bro. Siya was deeply touched by God’s words. After the conference, he became a regular worshiper, coming to our church service with his friends. Through this conference, we learned God is always at work, accomplishing His will and purpose even in the most unfavorable circumstance.


(1) Thursday Leader’s Meeting: Every Thursday missionaries and leaders gathered to share their testimonies and pray together. Four leaders faithfully attended and were challenged to write a Bible-centered testimony each week. Missionaries also shared their testimonies and it became graphic teachings for young disciples to learn how to sustain spiritual struggle, how to rely on God in their day-to-day lives. After the sharing, we found prayer topics for our sheep and discussed plans for the ministry. Through this, the young disciples learned to overcome self-centeredness and have a shepherd heart and the heart of ownership. They were growing as disciples of Jesus for campus students, rooting their life in God.

(2) Saturday Group Bible Study: After the spring conference, God sent many brothers. We wished to teach them the Bible one by one, but each fellowship had a limited human resource. And 1 Samuel messages were a bit difficult for them to understand. We decided to have a GBS on Saturday to help these brothers. After the GBS, we had a lunch and played pool and table tennis together until evening. They usually had nothing to do on weekends. But they were very thankful that they could come to the Bible house to hear God’s words and had fellowship with other brothers. They were like sheep without a shepherd, wandering around, but our Bible house became a place of hope and joy in God.


I thank God for granting us a Bible house for this year. Namsan UBF supported us the deposit for the loan. And we could use offerings from Pretoria UBF and Msn. Daniel Rhee to fix the Bible house, mainly for security, extra parking space, lights, etc. I thank God for those who prayed and sacrificially supported for this Bible house. I pray that our Bible house may be the place for hungry souls to be fed, and wounded souls to be healed by the word and love of God.

I thank God for Sh. Desmond and Sh. Khomo, two senior shepherds. They began their common life at the Bible house, and they let their rooms to be used as a guest room for brothers whenever required. They didn’t mind to use their own cars to fetch brothers. They fed a couple of brothers with God’s words each week while they were busy at work. I thank God that He is raising dedicated disciples in our ministry. I also thank God for mission co-workers. Msn. Matthew and Msn. Joanne were going through hardships. Financially they needed to pray to get through each month. Msn. Matthew had an employment issue. Yet they served Gods’ flock faithfully. They prioritized to serve God and His works first even in the midst of their personal hardships. God blessed their faith by sending many brothers to their fellowship.

I thank God for Msn. Daniel & Miso Rhee. They came to Johannesburg once every month for a Bible study. We learned the book of Numbers and Judges this year. All missionaries wrote and shared a testimony. God’s words were so encouraging, and our testimonies were always tear-dropping. Sometimes missionaries felt loneliness and depressed by personal problems, living in a foreign soil, but they became our shepherds and parents.


This year I learned that God’s work cannot be done by human will or effort. I have willingness and desire to serve God with my whole heart, but I’m only a flawed human being who is often discouraged and exhausted by outer circumstances. That’s why I need inner strength and the help of the Holy Spirit each day to sustain my life of faith in this harsh world. For this I need to be spiritually equipped by prayers and God’s words, and need to learn how to trust the help of the Holy Spirit in my daily life. I hope that Jesus’ words in John 14:16-17 will be a great encouragement in 2015. It says “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” I pray that I may learn how to pray and how to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit in next year.


  1. Pray for the Bible house to shepherd God’s flock and raise Jesus’ disciples
  2. Pray for the Sunday messengers – Msn. Matthew, Msn. Jacob and Sh. Desmond
  3. Pray for Sh. Desmond to establish a house church
  4. Pray for Thursday leaders’ meeting and Saturday GBS
  5. Pray for Msn. Matthew to get another position in a different department
  6. Pray for Msn. Rebekah and Sh. Lesedi to complete their PhD

 by Msn. Jacob Kim