Macedonia Report 2014 by Barnabas Kang

  • by WMD
  • Feb 03, 2015
  • 1762 reads

The Power of the Gospel

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. (Rom. 1:16)

The Ministry of God’s Word

This year we studied Genesis and Numbers. We learned through studying Numbers that our lives are like a journey through the desert directed by God’s word. Life in the desert is marked by loneliness, toil, and mercilessness. It depends completely on my decision whether I quarrel with God in such a desert or I grow to a mature personality that is in accordance with God’s kingdom despite all the adverse circumstances. This kind of mindset not only has an effect on my own generation, but also on the second generation because they look to the footsteps of my generation and imitate us. While I prayed for my journey of faith through the desert and how I could lead it successfully, Psalm 37:4 caught my attention: Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Taking delight in the Lord means that I enjoy the fellowship with God. In other words, God alone is the source of joy. Through that you can know that God wants to respond to the desires of our hearts. That is why I prayed to concentrate even more energy on God in the new year and taste soulful joy through deep fellowship with God.

  1. The Disciple-Making Ministry

This year I concentrated on Brother Slave. He hated his father, a criminal; he was also unemployed, because he thought that his father had ruined his life. The only solution for him was to keep a wide distance from his father. But his life was not any different from that of his father's. After attending the ESBC, having 1:1 Bible study, and common life, he slowly realized his false philosophy in life and tried to lead a life before God. Since he is 28, he thought it was too late to start a new life again. After he study Abraham's calling, he was encouraged to grow as a man of independent faith. Indeed, he even acquired his license as a tour guide. Above all, his heart is humble, truth-seeking, and willing. That is why I pray he can meet God who is his good shepherd and his life will be changed in Jesus to a life that is victorious, lively and joyful.

1. God's Work in My House Church:

Missionary Petra Kang: She has four children and is now busy with raising the children. It was a challenge for her to have a career because she became withdrawn. But she struggled hard with Zachariah 4:6, “‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty”, so that she could win the victory of faith. By overcoming her weaknesses and fears she acquired her license for as a translator and a tour guide. Now she is happy about her career as a translator and a tour guide because this fits her personality. When she was little, she wanted to be a writer. Coincidentally, she enter into a contest with her essay “Another Beginning Point” and won. This competition take place for Koreans abroad and she was registered as a writer. During the ESBC she showed her talent on the stage with the sing-a-long with the children, although she is around 40. She tutors two groups in Korean. She has a vision and prays to become a professor for Korean according to God's plan.

Four Children: Our four children attend public schools in Macedonia. They are growing cheerfully and intelligently. The first child, Sarah (8th grade), received a scholarship last year and this year. We ask God to grant her his grace so that she will find a good high school. Our second child, David (6th grade), won first place in a flute competition this year. We pray he develops his talent well and finds a place where he can use his talent. Our third child, Andreas (3rd grade), is class speaker, has leadership qualities and likes to read the Bible. His dream is to become a missionary later. May God faithfully lead our four children and help them not to strive for worldly successes but to grow spiritually.

2. A Self-Supporting Life

Through our self-supporting lives, we often experienced God’s help. Despite the economic stagnation in the entire world, my business is successful. During the ESBC I was encouraged through Psalm 81:10: I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.” I tried to enlarge my heart with this verse. God gave us his grace; we were able to rent the second floor of the building where our Bible center for a cheap price. Brother Slave moved in to share his apartment and one room is reserved for those who in the future want to study the Bible. Until then, M. Petra uses the room for tutoring in Korean. M. Barnabas Kang's business is been chosen as global marketer by the Korean government. As a result, he receives financial recompensation and thereupon his business is growing more. According to statistics, 50% of all newly established businesses go bankrupt after five months. My business has survived and celebrated its 10th anniversary. But I know that it is possible by God’s grace alone. May God continue to bless our self-supporting lives and use it for world mission.

For 2015

My key verse for 2015 is Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

 I doubted the power of the gospel when I saw the faithless, disobedient world or the students' spiritual apathy. I did not trust the gospel from my heart but went after worldly things. I was closer to the Smartphone than to God. I was more interested in the worldly kingdom than in God's kingdom. I considered how I could survive in the difficult economic situation. That caused me to worry and made me powerless. Now I trust in Psalm 37:4 again, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” In this hour I have decided to take delight in God and through deep fellowship with God I want to lead a joyous life of faith. I pray concretely to have a prayer hour every day, to read the entire Bible once and to read a spiritual book once a month. Above all I pray to prepare the Sunday message in Macedonian wholeheartedly and to put on the power of the gospel. Through that I want to serve the disciple-making ministry courageously. May God raise up 12 disciple of Jesus from among the students in Macedonia, to change Macedonia to Bible Macedonia and to lead our family members to salvation.

One Word: Put on the power of the gospel!