South Sudan UBF Mission Report 2014 & Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 02, 2015
  • 1236 reads

South Sudan UBF Mission Report

“Hear, o Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

I. 2014 Mission Report

I thank God for using us for the South Sudan gospel mission in the midst of hardship and war last year. In that terrible situation, God blessed us to study the Book of John and the Book of Daniel. I delivered Sunday messages with Shepherd Johnson Deng in turn during the last year.

Last year, we held two conferences: the Easter and the Summer Bible Conference. We had a one day Easter conference with the title, “I Have Seen the Lord." Twenty students attended the conference. God blessed us to learn the importance of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection. All of us accepted Jesus deeply in our hearts as the only way of solving the problem of sin.

On October 30 – November 2, we had a Summer Bible Conference with the title, “Jesus’ Forgiving Love.” About fifty people attended the conference. Missionary Andrew and Hope Kim attended the conference.  In that conference we accepted a new identity as “ambassadors of Christ”  to teach the forgiving love of Jesus to our communities which are suffering from tribal conflicts and war, until the people of South Sudan are reconciled to God and to themselves. Through testimonies most of the people confessed their sin of an unforgiving heart. In that conference God blessed us to raise two new candidates, Motong Chol and Hanan Sabet. May God bless them to grow as faithful disciples of Jesus and excellent Bible teachers. 

We held our Christmas worship service with 46 students including shepherds’ children. On Dec. 21 Shepherd Oyor Moses delivered the Christmas message based on Luke 2: 1- 12, the message of good news that brings great joy for all people. We learned that the birth of Jesus in our heart will give us great joy despite the sorrows of the world. Let us accept Baby Jesus to be born again in our hearts this year. We had a Bible quiz and an eating fellowship as a celebration. Before and after the message, we also listened to beautiful Christmas songs from the Juba UBF chorus.

II. 2014 Relief Work

We also thank God for Korea UBF. This year Korea UBF paid school fees for 53 poor South Sudanese students of University of Juba. Moreover, Korea UBF provided relief (food items) to more than 800 families that came from war affected areas of South Sudan. We really thank them for their heartfelt support and prayer.

III. UBF Center in Juba

Through your prayer support we could register our Juba UBF in the government office of the religious bureau as one of the Christian organizations. It was a great achievement. May God help us to use this certificate for his mighty work.  

Not only that, by God’s grace, we could buy a plot of land for the Juba UBF Bible Center. It is by God’s grace and your earnest prayer. I thank God as well for the prayers of all UBF coworkers worldwide and words of encouragement toward South Sudan ministry. 

IV. 2015 Prayer Topics

  1. We pray for God to give us peace. Since this war broke out, many thousands of people have died and more than 1.5 million were displaced. Still, the people of South Sudan are at risk due to famine and diseases.
  2. Building our center as soon as possible.
  3. We pray to establish three house churches within two years.
  4. Pray for one-to-one Bible study with 30 sheep and 30 Sunday worship service attendants in Juba.
  5. Pray for me to get a position in HQ office in Juba instead of working in fields.
  6.  Pray for leaders in South Sudan to have a strong desire and zeal for God’s work and grow until they become independent Bible teachers and future missionaries.
  7. We pray to get a place for Bible studies inside the University of Juba.

One Word: Love the Lord your God

By Padiet Deng