The Work of God in Makerere UBF 2014 , Uganda

  • by WMD
  • Jan 26, 2015
  • 1682 reads


In the year 2014 our key verse was 2 Tim 4:2 “Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.” We had seven clear prayer topics. First we prayed for preaching the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction. Second, we prayed for raising 12 new student apostles (shepherds). Third, we prayed for establishing two Biblical exemplary house churches: Michael, Albert. Fourth, we prayed for each fellowship to pioneer a new campus: Nkumba, UCU, Ndejje, KIU. Fifth, we prayed for Rwanda mission: to plant a foundation for pioneering work, send a new missionary and the 1st Rwanda UBF Bible conference. Sixth, we prayed for communal life members to grow as future leaders: The tent may be a spiritual training place; pray for starting sisters' communal life. Seventh, we prayed for God’s hands upon Bethesda Mission Hospital project and Bwebaza development, sending more mission coworkers and to form partnerships with other organizations. I thank God for His grace and blessing on our ministry and each one of us in 2014.

First, I thank God for the work of preaching the Word. After we prayed for being excellent Bible teachers the last 2 years, we found the mission of preaching the Word. We prayed that each one of our ministry members might dedicate himself or herself to preach the word in season and out of season so that we might advance the season of Christ. Many junior leaders were encouraged to preach the Word instead of only enjoying hearing the Word of God. They were to share with their friends, classmates, roommates and family members. Many one to one Bible studies were conducted by missionaries, especially Msn. Joseph and Esther Chung. They conducted more than 20 teams every week. And Msn. Livingstone and Grace Kang helped many Bible students with one to one Bible ministry. As a result, many new junior leaders were raised by them. Some senior leaders kept teaching God’s word faithfully despite their busy schedules so that they could raise junior leaders as well. Without faithfully teaching and sharing  God’s word, we cannot raise disciples of Jesus Christ. Only God’s word can change our corrupt hearts and sinful behaviors. I pray that more one to one Bible studies may be conducted by our junior leaders in 2015.

Second, I thank God for raising 15 junior leaders and 2 shepherds in 2014. On November 29 we held a disciples’ meeting and raised 17 new leaders. They were the fruit of our missionaries' and native leaders’ one to one Bible studies and their labor of love for them. In February of 2011, God raised 12 student disciples. In September of 2012, God raised 12 disciples. Among them, five became shepherds in January of 2014. They are Shep. Zacchaus, Collins, Tom, Michael, and Shepherdess Juliet Nakato.  They had been faithful and had grown as the Bible teachers and stewards of Makerere UBF. We thank God for these precious works of God in our fellowship. This year we raised the out-numbers of disciples because they waited for two years. Most of them studied Bible more than two years and faithfully attended Sunday Worship Service. Their names are Enoch, Michael, Innocent, Martin, Nelson, Andrew, Perez, Davis, Mike, Henry, Richard, and sister Allen, Madrine, Esther Najjemba (three sisters).Two new shepherd names are James and Dr. Patience. I pray that they may grow in the word of God and be good shepherds of God’s flock in the campus. 

Third, thank God for establishing the house church of shepherd Michael and Patience. This year we prayed for raising two house churches, Michael and Albert. Last January God established Michael and Patience’s house church. Albert and Nakato are preparing their house church for next January. There are six native leaders’ house churches in our ministry. They face many challenges in their practical married life, especially Shep. Patrick’s house church. However, I believe that God trains them to grow in their love and faith through many challenges. They learn how to accept and love one another as they are when they are different. Without transforming our past sinful nature and habits, we cannot bear fruit in our practical life. Though it is a painful process, it is inevitable. I realize that they lack wisdom and practical skills in married life though they have Bible knowledge and principles. Our house churches need more encouragement and fellowship to understand married life. In 2015, we may organize a house church meeting once a month to share more practical issues in married life so that each house church may be established on the strong foundation of love and faith.  

Fourth, thank God for the pioneering work of Nkumba and UCU. Shep. Patrick served Nkumba brethren with group Bible study while Shep. Steven visited Uganda Christian University to help Bible students. Thank God for raising one Abraham of faith at Nkumba University. Brother Abasa was raised as a junior leader. He has been faithful to God’s work. Though he graduated from the university this year, he decided to remain near campus to help other brethren. Because of his leadership and service, many Nkumba brothers and sisters attended Makerere chapter Sunday worship service regularly. May God help him grow as a Bible teacher so that more leaders may be raised at Nkumba University. May God raise one Abraham of faith at UCU.

Fifth, we thank God for Rwanda mission. We held the 1st historical Rwanda UBF Bible conference, Butare, Rwanda from October 31 to November 2. We designed this conference to introduce our ministry and Bible study to Rwandan campus students. There is no UBF missionary in Rwanda currently, so we began to send our leaders to help Rwandan campus students since last December. And we tried to register UBF as a campus Christian organization. Two leaders from Makerere chapter were sent last January, March, May, and September to help Rwandan brethren with God's words and follow-up registration. During their visit some students had Bible study and fellowship. More than 20 Rwandan brethren attended this conference. At the end of the conference UBF Rwandan HUYE campus students’ committee was formed. This committee would follow up UBF registration process and facilitate Bible study and fellowship with other Rwandan campus students who want to study God's words. Msn. David and Zacchaeus made decisions of faith to visit Butare campus once a month to help these students with intensive Bible study. They visited Rwanda to help Rwandan brethren with God’s word twice after the conference. We invited two Rwandan brothers to Uganda Christmas worship service. Brother Guard, Etiene came to Uganda and had good fellowship with Ugandan brethren. May God send one missionary family to Rwanda so that many thirsty Rwanda campus students may grow steadily in the word of God. We pray that God may raise excellent Bible teachers in Rwanda so that Rwanda may be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

Sixth, thank God for communal life members growing as future leaders. There were 8 common life members in the beginning of the year. They stayed together in the tent of UBF Makerere center. They received basic spiritual training. Their daily life began from morning devotions. They learned how to serve and to accept one another. However, as time went by, the common life tent became like a hostel. Some members wanted to get benefits such as free accommodation. We prayed for the tent to be a spiritual training place. Msn. Livingstone Kang, Msn. David and I participated in serving them. We held regular meetings with common life members and shared Sunday message testimonies or studied God’s word together or had prayer meetings. We set guidelines for their common life. Through counseling, discussing, sharing God’s word, and prayer, mutual understanding of common life increased. They could understand what spiritual life is. Most of them were poor students who always had financial problems. Two senior native leaders joined the common life committee to help them. It is very difficult to change one’s value and life style. It cannot be changed in a day. When someone’s view or understanding of life is changed, it is a great work of God. Only the Holy Spirit can change our sinful habits or thinking. Their attitude toward God and people began to change slowly. They could learn where they are now in their spiritual pilgrimage. Some of them were transformed from benefit-seeking life to God-centered life. While I served them, I realized that the gospel should be integrated into their life. If God’s word does not touch their deep hearts, their life cannot be changed. God’s word should be integrated into their culture and values so that their life style can be changed. Without touching their culture and values, they may increase only in Bible knowledge. I realize that common life is a very effective spiritual training place if there are clear guidelines and shepherding. I need to understand their culture more deeply so that I may serve them with God’s word. It is my prayer that God’s word may touch their hearts so that they may grow as future leaders.

Seventh, thank God for God’s hands upon Bethesda Mission Hospital project and Bwebaza development. A four acre sized land for future mission hospital development was purchased by Kwangju 3 chapter in 2009. However the land was almost abandoned because it was located 20 Kms away from Bethesda Medical center. Then trespassers destroyed our land and neighbors encroached upon the land boundary. We decided to build a fencing wall and tried to resolve the land boundary dispute with our neighbor. By God’s gracious hand the fencing wall construction work has been completed up to where the boundary is unclear. May God’s good and gracious hands be upon this project so that we may resolve land boundary disputes peacefully and complete boundary wall construction.

2015 New Year Direction

In 2015, the UBF Makerere key verse is Col 2:6,7. “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” As we received Christ Jesus as Lord, we should continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as we were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. I pray that all our members may take deep root in Jesus so that we may be built up in him and strengthened in the faith. We may overcome the false teachings of this world and legalistic religious life so that we may experience the fullness of Christ.

  1. Pray for taking deep root in Jesus through intensive Bible study of Luke and Numbers
  2. Pray for 15 new young disciples and 17 junior leaders to grow as shepherds
  3. Pray for Rwanda mission: raise one Abraham of faith and send out a new missionary family
  4. Pray for 7 house churches to grow as faithful coworkers of our ministry
  5. Pray for raising a full time minister who can fully commit his life for campus discipleship ministry
  6. Pray for the completion of Makerere UBF website so that the new generation of young students may visit the website. This website may be the place of a cyber-church community and fellowship.
  7. Pray for God's hands upon Bethesda Mission Hospital project and Bwebaza development, sending more mission coworkers and to partner with other organizations