Ghana Mission Report

  • by WMD
  • Jan 21, 2015
  • 1756 reads

“He replied, ‘You of little faith, why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.” (Matthew 8:26)

Last year personally I’ve learned that God works by himself and I should obey with the word of God. By God’s grace my family has moved from Nigeria to Ghana at 2012 and we started to serve University of Ghana. My family could find a house near the campus. And near our house there is mission school, so I could send my two daughters to this school. From the beginning God sent us sincere sheep; sister Linda and sister Efia. Sister Lind attends our Sunday Worship Service regularly. She loves to study the Bible and I could see her spiritual desire to learn more about Jesus. Actually I doubt that I can be a pioneer. I thought that I was not qualified as a pioneer or even a missionary. But God led my life in the best way. The one who do God’s work is not mine but God himself. When I just obey his word, I could be a tool of the redemption work of God.

This year I could personally learn that God is the creator who has almighty power without limitation. Jesus disciples fall into a fear when they face a storm on the lake. They knew Jesus but they didn’t know Jesus as a creator who has almighty power, who could even control nature. Earlier in the year my coworker suggested that I move into a new house to have proper Worship Service space. My coworker did an English language course at the university and we applied one hostel room. We used this place as a Bible room. But because this is a hostel when we have Sunday Worship Service, sometimes neighbor students complained to us about singing songs. And also when we want to use this room, my coworker must come with me. So we start to pray to have proper place. We checked out many houses but we couldn’t find the right place. But when we pass by the road without any expectation, we found one house. The house is big enough for us to have Worship Service, and it is secured place as a foreigner to live. Most of all, it is much closer to campus, even sheep can walk there, so we don’t need to bring them by car. Frankly even though I was praying, I didn’t expect there would be a suitable house for us. Through this I could experience the almighty power of God again and I could repent of my limited thinking and mind.

This year one of biggest thanksgiving topics is that shep Jinsu came back to UBF. A few years ago he left UBF. He said that he believed in Jesus but he doesn’t want any mission life, and he just wanted to live as a Sunday Christian. Last year I invited him to Ghana through my company job. He joined weekly bible study with us and Sunday Worship Service also. But still he didn’t want to be in UBF. But this year he decided to come back and live a shepherd life. And by God’s grace next month he is going to establish a house church. These days his attitude was quite changed. He struggled to write weekly testimony and has a thanksgiving mind. Frankly speaking I didn’t expect that he will come back and I didn’t have faith that he might be married. But I experienced once again there is nothing impossible in God. We cannot save even one soul with our human effort and wisdom. But it could be done only with Holy Spirit. I’ve learned that I should pray Holy Spirit might work among us, than astonished work could be happen.

This year I prayed for myself to find another company to work. In my company I am getting older then the Korean dispatcher. As company pays me with good salary and good welfare condition, it was difficult for me to reach their expectation. Company demanded more time and energy from me. It was too stressful and I was exhausted. I felt that it was time to move on to another company. But Ghana economics is small and there is not much possibility to find proper job as a foreigner. Then I began to fall into fear for about future security. At that time I could see how much I didn’t have faith and didn’t depend on Jesus. The disciple was with Jesus when they faced a storm on the lake. But they didn’t depend on Jesus. They did all what they can do with their own wisdom and effort. But they couldn’t control nature. Human beings are limited. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. However one thing clear is that we are with Jesus who is the creator. Jesus can control even nature. Actually God led my life to the best way. And God granted to me much more grace than I deserve. I didn’t expect that I could have such a sweet family and two lovely daughters. I didn’t expect that I could be a missionary and a pioneer. Everything was by the grace of God. Apostle Paul said that he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. What I should do is just to believe Jesus and depend on him. Even if I face challenge or difficulties, than I would see glory of God. When I have this faith, I could find peace again.

 This year God blessed Ghana ministry. Sister Linda sincerely joined our Sunday Worship Service. And she invited her friend, sister Stellar. Sister Efia also invited her friend, sister Tima. And all of them had regular bible study with shepherdess Maria. And last week D. Eben came to Ghana. He is sheep of D. Sam Lee in Chicago UBF. He got Ph. D. from university of Illinois. He became a professor at the university of Winneba which is one hour distance from Accra city. His age is 53. However we are praying to work together with him. And at the end of next month shep Jinsu’s coworker will come to Ghana and join our ministry. Frankly I did nothing and I didn’t notice. But God blessed Ghana ministry to grow up. Next year we are praying to have our first bible conference at the Easter season. I pray that God may bless us spiritually and the word of God may work among us. And I want to focus on writing weekly testimony, since we couldn’t do a proper testimony sharing meeting. But I could notice that the reason why we are gathering should be because of the word of God. To help sheep spiritually and deeply I should help them to write testimony. I pray that we may have a weekly testimony sharing meeting regularly so that we could have sincere and spiritual community. I pray that God may bless our Mathew bible study, and I may prepare Sunday Worship Service message deeply. I pray God may raise one man with the faith of Abraham and one woman with the faith of Sarah.

by Truman Lee