CME Ministry in Macquarie UBF, Australia

  • by WMD
  • Jan 21, 2015
  • 2223 reads

“Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.” (Luke 5:10b)

M. David Kim from Indianapolis UBF in USA visited Sydney, Australia and served CME in Macquarie UBF from January 9 to 15, 2015. In 2014 we Macquarie UBF missionaries had spiritual desires to learn effective fishing ministry and fruitful disciple making ministry. The Lord answered our prayer by sending his servant M. David Kim to Macquarie CME. We five missionary families welcomed him in love and served him with delicious meals and traveling around. We all gathered every night from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., shared our life testimonies, listened to his spiritual lectures, and discussed the lectures with questions.

The first lecture was of spirituality of the cross of Jesus. Spirituality is all about knowing Christ. We are tempted to focus on outward visible fruits while serving our mission. But our real spirituality can be found in Christ’s weakness, goodness and consistency with the surrounding. Christ’s power of God came from his weakness on the cross, his goodness of working for sinners and his consistent services with the surrounding. Through this lecture we were greatly encouraged to focus on the cross of Jesus in serving others.

Jesus’ missionary spirituality was the following topic for the second day. Jesus renounced his heavenly kingdom, came down to the world, became man like one of us, served us with compassion, love, forgiveness and humility. Finally he sacrificed his life for the sin of the world by dying on the cross as the Lamb of God. Through Jesus’ missionary spirituality we learned how we may become fruitful missionaries. It is to give up our privilege, go to Jesus’ sheep, spend time with them, and serve them with Christ’s love.

On Sunday M. David Kim delivered Sunday worship message, titled “Treasure in jars of clay” based on 2 Corinthians 4:1-12. We are weak, fragile and vulnerable, but we can overcome all kinds of hardships when we have our treasure Jesus in us. M. David Kim testified that he had suffered for 3 months due to muscle pain on his leg and arm. But when he obeyed God’s will for CME ministry, God healed him and sent him for Macquarie CME.

Fruitful fishing was discussed on the third day. According to the statistics only one out of three hundred people (0.3%) in preaching is connected to one to one Bible study. We may develop many methods of fishing, but we must have faith, for fruitful fishing ministry may be done by faith in God. We were so much interested in fruitful fishing ministry that we wanted to go on the discussion until midnight, but the session was stopped at 10:30 p.m. for the next day.

The next day was run on the subject of effective Bible study. To become a good Bible teacher we must be first moved by the word of God. We learned the importance of forming ‘Rapport’ and ‘Heart to heart relationship’ between a bible teacher and a bible student. We repented of our lazy attitude toward poor Bible study.

On the fifth day testimony writing was discussed. UBF testimonies have been developed throughout message testimony, Daily Bread writing, conference testimony and life testimony. Through the lecture we learned that testimony writing is not only for repenting of our sins but also for confession of faith and praising the Lord.

The last session was about “common life.” Common life is the way to go to establish fruitful discipleship ministry. It requires self-denial, sacrifice, spiritual struggle, but it is the key to discipleship ministry. Through the lecture we were motivated to establish common life in our family and among our Bible students.

The Lord moved our hearts during CME ministry and helped us write life testimonies and share in tears. Through life testimonies we renewed the grace of salvation of Jesus and made a decision of faith to serve Australian campus mission. During the CME the Holy Spirit touched our hearts and planted holy desires for working with co-working spirit and for preaching the word of God to Macquarie University. God blessed CME ministry in Macquarie UBF abundantly with renewing of mission spirit, the word of God, holy desire for preaching, and beautiful fellowship among missionaries with life testimonies. We thank God so much for sending M. David Kim to Macquarie CME and blessing us with unexpected grace. We thank God again for answering of our holy desires for fishing ministry and fruitful disciple making ministry through this CME.

by Mark Lee