Jongro 1, 2, 7 UBF Christmas

  • by WMD
  • Dec 25, 2014
  • 1417 reads

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” ( Luke2:11)

On Dec. 21, 2014, Jongro1, 2, 7 UBF held its joint CWS at Dr. Samuel Lee hall. Dr. John Jun who is visiting Korea after serving CME in Australia gave a graceful message based on Luke 2.

Through the message he boldly testified that Jesus is the Savior of the world who came to save us from the power of sin and death giving true peace in our hearts and leading us to his eternal kingdom in heaven. He also testified about the powerfully transformed lives among campus students in Christ, who were living in darkness, in powerlessness and uselessness because of their sins. He said that although there are many problems in the world, anyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior will be more than conquerors overcoming the world as if they were an aircraft carrier coming forward in the sea.  We were greatly moved and happy after listening to his graceful, humorous and heart-moving message.

The worship service began with graceful and joyful praise music. Also, before and after the message there was a graceful chorus, “ Silent night & Hallelujah” conducted by Sh. Joshua Lim. Following the chorus, there were joyful carol songs performed by Jongro orchestra team. And then a heart moving offering song “O Holy Night” was played by Sh. Sinhuyk Lee, Rebekah Whang, Mary Ham and Junyoung Kim. We offered our treasure to God for helping refugees in Syria, Manila UBF and South Sudan UBF Bible house building and for the orphans from North Korea.

We praise and thank God for sending Jesus Christ who came down from heaven to save us from sin and death, and who gives us true peace and hope, and for greatly encouraging us through the Christmas worship service.

We pray that God may enable us to hold on to Jesus our Lord and to preach the good news to the young campus souls in the coming New Year of 2015.

Caleb Kim