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                                RESURRECTION FAITH IN MALTA


Acts 28:1-15                                                                                     #29

Key Verse: 28:8


1. Read 27:34,42-44. How had God protected and saved Paul during the hazardous

journey? How had he, a prisoner, become the shepherd of the ship? Where had they

landed? (28:1)


2. Read 28:1-6. What kind of reception did they receive in Malta? What happened as they

warmed themselves by a brushwood fire? (3) What kind of snake is a viper? When the

people saw the snake hanging from Paul’s hand, what did they conclude?


3. How did Paul react? How did God further protect him and use this event to establish

Paul’s spiritual authority?


4. Read verses 7-10. Who was Publius? How did he care for Paul and his company?

What was the problem in his home? How did God bless the family that showed hospitality

to God’s servants?


5. Read verses 11-15. How long did they stay in Malta? How were they able to leave?

Where is Syracuse? Rhegium? Puteoli? Who met them at the Three Taverns? What was

Paul’s attitude as the journey to Rome came to a close?

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