The Work of God in United Kingdom UBF

  • by WMD
  • Mar 25, 2013
  • 1148 reads

London UBF

March 25, 2013
Ezra 7:10 – “For Ezra had devoted himself to the study and observance of the law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.”
I. The work of God through the key verse
We thank God for the way he is continued to work through the ministry in London and the UK. Ezra Chapter 7 gave a clear direction and focus to us last year to devote ourselves to the word of God. It’s easy to be distracted but through this verse we have been blessed to study the remainder of Ephesians, the book of Genesis, the whole of 1, 2 and 3 John and have now begun the study of Corinthians. The focus and direction of the Ministry has been, and continues to be, a focus on the word of God. Top priority is given to one-to-one Bible study, message preparation, preaching and teaching the word of God.
II. Disciple making
Jesus command was to "go and make disciples" and there has been a strengthening among those within our ministry; greater commitment from those on the margins and an encouraging number of new students or studies. This year we held the first ever women’s seminar. This year saw the addition of a new fellowship in Cambridge University when unknown to us God had been laying the foundations for a new fellowship with Msn Daniel and Maria. This adds to ministries in Kingston, Roehampton and Goldsmiths (part of London University). Dave who has been studying the bible for over 10 years and his wife Philippa have recently bought a house near Goldsmiths with a prayer to serve London students there.
Over this past year there are many examples of disciples we could outline but Darren is a good example of victory. He has experienced spiritual renewal with the arrival of 3 new bible students. Two have come through a small football fellowship that we have sustained for the last 10 years. After years of simply playing and enjoying football Darren has 2 non-believers agree to study. Kimo, a cultural Muslim observed and said to Darren "your life is different. You have something". Over 7 years he had observed and seen the fruit in Darren's life and wanted to study the Bible with Darren. He also serves Paul, the husband of one of Louise's Bible students as well as supporting Daniel and in Cambridge.
Paul’s student, Matthew served the Christmas service through singing and has grown sincere in Bible study with testimony writing and is growing in a sense of God's call. Jonathan is one of the most faithful Bible students and this year repeatedly served messages at conferences. Ronnie has begun serving daily bread and led his first bible study at the autumn conference. He has moved near the centre and his prayer is to teach one person. Last year one student was struggling within our ministry but through the word of God, and study with Ian, has experienced healing and greater commitment.
Fruit is always encouraging but takes time and hard work in preparing. This month we have seen a great victory with James who has seen one of his students, Toby, begin to teach the word to a new student. Toby’s student marks the sixth generation from Moses (Moses, Ian, Stanley, James, Toby, new student) and shows the power and longevity of Bible study.
God’s word grew with the first ever woman’s bible seminar on Psalm Ch 1. We noticed a number of younger women and this year and two seminars attended by only women with a focus on God's word. We have held 2 men's seminars, had 3 conferences at Ashburnham and a further “outreach conference” at the centre to prepare our hearts for the new term. We benefited from other ministries through the men's convention and monthly prayer with CCC and other London Churches.
New birth amongst us continues with the arrival of 3 more babies. This year saw the birth of Judah, Michael and Jessie.
III. Thanksgiving topics self-support
This year we want to give thanks for His sustaining power and grace. The UK is in a triple dip recession and self support is a battle with anxiety and worry with several families who are at risk of losing jobs and support from their companies. Yet God has more than sustained and carried us.
This year in particular we are thankful for the growth of the music ministry and the increasing joy and strength of the praise team led by Charles. On Sunday it’s now common to see 5 or 6 people leading the praise and celebrating with real joy and heart. The Christmas service, with up to 70 attendees, is difficult to prepare for because of a lack of time yet the music added real joy and heart. We are thankful for victory of little David Suk in gaining a first-class scholarship to one of the UK’s leading private schools. His incredible victory in all the exams was a great blessing and God's good grace to the struggle and faithfulness of Missionary David and Rebecca Suk. We were blessed be the visit of Dr John Jun for a week who came to support missionaries and shepherds a
nd Walter Nett who came to support our summer conference.
We give thanks for Moses support from Korea and his care and prayer for us in London. We are thankful for the faithful teacher missionaries who have supported the care and growth of children. Timothy has been enabled to buy a new house. Charles & Pauline last year bought a house. We have experienced God's faithfulness through sustaining Sekyee. This year Jonathan, Louise’s husband, now faithfully serves the company.
IV. Prayer topics and New Year direction
In London our New Year focus remains serving the one-to-one ministry and raising disciples. This years key verse is Ezekiel 3:1: “And he said to me, “Son of man, eat what is before you, eat this scroll; then go and speak to the house of Israel.””
Outreach remains difficult but absolutely essential and bears fruit. At times we can become discouraged by students’ slowness to respond but our prayer is to develop foreheads of flint by persistently reaching out.
V. Prayer topics:
  1. Regular outreach and daily bread;
  2. Message writing by English co-workers;
  3. Abraham's serving leadership;
  4. Loving spiritual community;
  5. 12 disciples (Ronnie’s growth as a shepherd);
  6. Raise 10,000 Bible teachers and pioneer 100 universities by 2025.
Ian K.