The Work of God in La Plata UBF 2012

  • by WMD
  • Mar 29, 2013
  • 878 reads

La Plata UBF, Argentina 

March 29

Remain in Me

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)
We began this year of 2012 with the word of John 15:5 and we prayed that this year would be one of bearing much fruit through remaining in Jesus the true vine. We want to bear much fruit by remaining in Jesus’ word and being cleansed by it. I give thanks to God for giving us an abundant life through remaining in Jesus the true vine.
1.     The summer conference and Bible school
We had summer conference with the Buenos Aires chapter. Isaac Cho Jr. served the message: “Young Men Will See Visions” (Acts 2). He realized through preparing message how important it is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Through discovering he was living without vision, he desired to receive the Holy Spirit. Sister Nadia served the message “Walk in the Light” based on Ephesians. She confessed her shameful sins and gave thanks to God for calling her as a daughter of the light. She made a decision to participate in the work of God positively. Brother Jorge and Ivan participated in the conference and received the grace of God’s word. Pedro who is a second gen from Brazil participated in our conference and shared his life testimony. He served praise music and dance with other brothers and second gens. We had an Easter Bible academy that lasted two days. For the first time, we had Easter conference in September. Brs. Jorge and Jose and Maria prepared a symposium based on the heroes of faith in the Bible. We pray that they may grow as men and women of faith.
2.     Bible reading
Maria, a second gen, came back after one year of training in Korea. She repented of her sins and had a personal encounter with God. She asked forgiveness from her parents for her disobedience. She made a decision to co-work in the work of God in La Plata. She served the Bible reading after WS. They finished the book of Acts and will start a new book. We pray that she can continue in spite of studies.
3.     Co-working
After Easter, we began to meet with co-workers from Buenos Aires UBF once a month. After the Kuper family returned to USA, M. Marcos struggled a lot to serve the work of God. To mutually encourage one another, we met to pray once a month and have joint worship service once every three months. This was mutually encouraging.
4.     Fishing and Bible study
We went fishing on campus two times per week and shared the word with students continually. It was not easy to start one to one Bible study with sheep. Shs. Maria participated in fishing each Wednesday using her free time. Thank God who gave her a shepherd heart and faith in the power of the gospel. During this year, we studied the gospel of John. M. Juan Moon served the message bimonthly. We studied the book of Genesis.
5.     Lay Missionary Life
In the midst of economic depression, God blessed M. Juan’s business and M. Isaac’s business and who provided everything materially to serve the work of God and for children’s education.
6.     The recovery of Isaac Cho Jr.
Isaac Jr. had an accident involving his face. He needed a five and a half hour operation. However, we are thankful that his eyes and his brain were not damaged. Doctors say that he needs a year to recover fully. In spite of this, we thank God who gave us Romans 8:28 through this event. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose.” Also we thank many servants of God who prayed for him. We pray that God may help Isaac Jr. to accept his condition and be changed into a new man of faith.
Msn. Isaac Cho