(SOUTH KOREA) The Korea Staff Shepherds Conference Took Place from April 15-17th, 2024 and was Filled with the Spirit of Prayer

From April 15th to 17th, Korea UBF held a spring staff shepherds conference at the Avon Hotel in Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do. It was attended by Staff shepherds from all over the country and 13 missionaries, including P. Ron Ward (UBF General Director) and Rainer S. from Germany. Nehemiah K., Korea UBF director, delivered the opening message based on Luke 18:1-8. We learned that to pray without being discouraged like a widow, we must have holy sorrow and absolute faith in God. His message gave a clear direction to pray with absolute trust in God and holy sorrow for the campus salvation work in the spring semester and the European International Conference in the summer.

Afterward, we studied Mark 6:1-29, “Sending Out Two by Two,” and learned about Jesus spreading the gospel by sending out weak disciples amid difficulties. In the evening, John P. of Gwangju 2 gave a special lecture titled "Christianity in Europe and UBF Missions in Religious History." Through this, we saw the historical significance of the 55th anniversary of UBF missions and prayed for European missions with a sense of mission. Kang S. of the Tobia Missionary Society gave a special lecture titled "The Early Missionary Work of Seven Southern Presbyterian Missionaries." We were moved by the dedicated missionary work of American Southern Presbyterian missionaries, which was the roots of our UBF ministry.

On the second day, we followed the pilgrimage route of Southern Presbyterian missionaries from Gunsan, Ganggyeong, and Jeonju to the South Island. We learned about their love, sacrifice, and passion for evangelism. In the evening, Professor Joo J. of Chongshin University gave a special lecture on worship on the topic of "Practice of Worship for the Formation of Life." Through this, we gained the hope that no matter how new generations may be, if we draw the unique taste of the Word and prayer and convey it to them, they will come before God and worship. Afterward, Cho Y. of Woncheon, Suwon, shared his retirement remarks. Heo D. and Kim J. of the Gachon Center, who started a new circuit training, shared their life testimonies, and then all prayed for the spring semester's campus history and European conference.

On the third day, we studied Mark 6:30-56, “Give them something to eat.” We gained direction to serve in the spring semester with Jesus' compassion and faith in him bringing our five loaves and two fish. Afterward, we held a staff meeting and prayed for the European Conference and World Mission Report. Pastor Ron Ward gave a gracious report on his visit to Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, highlighting the work of the Holy Spirit in Asia. We thank God for giving us rich words, gracious fellowship, and rest through this conference.

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